MP Violette Spillebout “shocked” by posters of young Lille communists

#Violette #Spillebout #shocked #posters #young #Lille #communists
MIGUEL MEDINA / AFP Violette Spillebout, here at the National Assembly in Paris, November 21, 2023. A3.


Violette Spillebout, here at the National Assembly in Paris, November 21, 2023. A3.

POLITICS – This campaign “calls for hatred” according to her. Renaissance MP Violette Spillebout denounced this Sunday, April 14, posters from the section lille young communists against support for the security agreement between Paris and kyiv.

“Who is going to die in Ukraine? » question these posters relayed on X by the MP. Above, the faces of political figures who have given their support to the French aid strategy l’Ukraine.

“I denounce the targeting and incitement to hatred of the posters of the Young Communists of the North”said the MP on X.

Violette Spillebout told AFP that she had an exchange with the national secretary of the PCF Fabien Roussel and that she did not intend to file a complaint for the moment.

“I confirm my full support for the commitments made by the President of the Republic for the defense of Ukraine and Ukrainians”Violette Spillebout once again affirmed on X.

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The French Communist Party condemns the campaign

These posters, put up on Saturday in Lille, target “the elected officials who engaged France in a warlike escalation”explained to AFP Noam Peter, federal secretary of the young communists of the North, designating in particular Raphaël Glucksmann (Public square), Éric Ciotti (LR) or even Victor Catteau (RN).

We wish “highlight that those who decide on war are not those who wage it. It’s not a hate campaign, it’s a shock campaign.”he said.

The French Communist Party condemned this poster campaign, calling it“unacceptable and insulting”, reacted to AFP Igor Zamichiei, coordinator of the national executive committee of the PCF. “ This is not our way of doing politics”he insisted.

The Lille Socialist Party also denounced this campaign in a press release. “We are convinced that if we still want dignified democratic debates with citizens, and that they are interested in public affairs, this type of campaign has no place in political life”he estimated.

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