New indicator to know brain health in adults

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A recent study of the University of Toronto defends that the speed of speech is one of the main indicators that must be found to know the brain health in older adults. These conclusions break until now the main theory that indicated changes in the brain with the first phases Alzheimer’s, as is the difficulty in finding the right word. The researchers asked 125 adults ages between 18 and 90 who described a scene in detail. This description was recorded and subsequently analyzed by artificial intelligence, extracting information about speech speedthe duration of the pauses between words and the variety of vocabulary.

Through a series of tests, 125 adults were measured on their concentration, ability to plan, and thinking speed. The loss of ability to perform these activities is linked to age and closely linked to the rhythm of the person’s daily speech. This main result was interpreted by the researchers as a more widespread decline than the simple difficulty of finding the right word.

Another task that the patients had to complete was a program designed to separate the two phases when naming an object, which consists of finding the most appropriate word and sending the command to be able to say it out loud. Throughout the process, images of traditional objects were shown while a word related in meaning or that sounded similar was heard.

In this exercise, the study reflects that the natural speed The speech of older adults was linked to their speed in being able to name images. Thus, the cognitive changes that are generated as the years go by may be related to a general slowness when processing, instead of a specific problem of recovering the words within one’s memory.

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A future of potential research in cognitive changes

The results of the research have opened the doors to an endless number of potential investigations in the future, arguing that the factors that can reveal the cognitive changes In a person it is not only what we say, but also the speed or time it takes to say it.

Artificial intelligence becomes, as defended by researchers from the University of Toronto, a more than useful technique when it comes to analyze and understand human language data. This study is not the first to be carried out to analyze changes and spoken language, but rather it continues a line that began some time ago, but now with better technology and possibilities.

The technological advances that are being achieved in the knowledge of natural language processing They will end up being able to automatically detect changes in language. Some examples, such as slowing down when speaking, are a factor to take into account to identify people at risk before more serious symptoms appear.

Although it may contain statements, data or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in Medical Writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend the reader that any health-related questions be consulted with a healthcare professional.

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