Now that America is turning its cart, is this the way to peace open in Gaza?

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Secretary of State Blinken announced in Egypt that the US wants to enforce an immediate ceasefire. — © REUTERS

The United States used its veto three times to prevent a truce in the Gaza Strip. But now the country is submitting a proposed resolution to the Security Council with the aim of an immediate ceasefire. Is this the way to peace open?

The veto against a ceasefire in Gaza did not mean that the US was against a ceasefire. President Biden has long been negotiating with Israel, Egypt and Qatar. “Any action the Security Council takes now should help, not hinder, the sensitive and ongoing negotiations,” US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas Greenfield said. “The resolutions that were on the table would have had a negative impact on the negotiations.”

READ ALSO: US submits resolution for “immediate ceasefire” in Gaza Strip to UN Security Council

But now US Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced in an interview that his country itself submitted a proposed resolution. With the aim: an immediate ceasefire. “It is clear that the US is trying to increase the pressure on Netanyahu,” says America expert Bart Kerremans (KULeuven) from Washington. The usual negotiations have not worked. “America wants the ceasefire to increase humanitarian aid. And to make it clear that the military operation in the city of Rafah is not acceptable in the eyes of the Americans. But such a resolution is not a magic solution. Just because it is approved, even if unanimously, does not mean that the situation will suddenly change. That Netanyahu’s attitude will suddenly be different. This proposal mainly has a symbolic meaning.”

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America is increasing the pressure on Netanyahu with the resolution. — © AP

“A resolution is always symbolic,” says his Dutch colleague Frans Verhagen. “Because if your most important ally withdraws his hands from you, then in Netanyahu’s case your authority is undermined and he has to wonder how strong he still is. His relationship with Joe Biden has never been good, but is now getting worse.” The US action does not surprise Verhagen. “It has everything to do with developments in the area. The situation is looking increasingly worse, there is a threat of famine. And then there is Israel’s absolute unwillingness to even consider how it can stop. For the Americans, the problem is not Israel, but Netanyahu. He should have been gone a long time ago, after all those years of negative policies. He refuses to take responsibility for the failed policy.”

“If your most important ally withdraws his hands from you, Netanyahu must ask himself how strong he still is”

Frans Verhagen

America expert

According to Verhagen, the Israeli leader will also encounter increasing criticism in his own country. “He doesn’t care about the hostages, while with a smart deal they could have been freed a long time ago. How strong is he still?”

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The impending elections in the US are also a factor. “Biden is known for being someone who is committed to supporting Israel to the extreme. But if Democratic voters say that things are getting too bad and that Netanyahu is not adhering to international law and is even committing war crimes, then he has a problem. People with a Middle Eastern background, but also progressive voters, pay much more attention to the suffering of the Palestinians than to Israel. Biden will not lose voters to Republicans if he does not act, but Democrats will stay away from the polls.”

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