Obligation to create parking spaces. What will change?

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Even though this is only an announcement of changes, emotions were immediately high. But this is hardly surprising, because we are talking about real, everyday problems of millions of people. The regulations are quite complicated, but – to simplify a bit – now the developer must provide parking spaces for residents. Would this obligation disappear?

Small parking lots and great nerves. Fighting for a parking space can get emotional. – Generally, it is difficult to find anything from early morning until late evening – admits Mr. Krzysztof, a resident of Łódź. This is the reality of many Polish housing estates, where there are usually too few parking spaces.

– On average, the city guard shows up once a month, issues tickets and puts wheel locks on them. And the problem appears every month. People prefer to park in prohibited places anyway, so what can they do? There is really no other option, says Mr. Łukasz, a resident of Wrocław.

Until now, there had to be a parking space per apartment

There is a provision in the construction law that requires developers to provide residents with a certain number of parking spaces. This applies to investments carried out on preferential terms under the so-called “lex developer” act.

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Each apartment must have one and a half or one parking space, depending on whether the investment is carried out on the outskirts or in the city center. The Ministry of Development and Technology announced the abolition of this provision. And it caused a storm. But it’s calming. – Nobody is abolishing the obligation to create parking spaces. This is just the abolition of the central imposition that was introduced for no apparent reason and the transfer of these competences to the municipalities – explains Jakub Stefaniak from the Ministry of Development and Technology.

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“It is impossible to determine the number of parking spaces in advance for the entire country”

Now, local governments creating local spatial development plans are to decide about parking spaces. This is a return to the situation from July last year. Then the parliamentary deregulation commission changed the law – despite the Ministry of Development and Technology. The result was the collapse of the flagship housing program of Mateusz Morawiecki’s government. It became too expensive and developers began to withdraw. There is a chance that they will come back now. – Reducing the number of garage spaces, not always, but statistically in most projects, reduces the costs of apartment construction – comments Andrzej Nizio, vice-president of Marvipol Development.

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According to Agata Twardoch, who professionally deals with urban planning, strict rules should be imposed on developers. Tough but logical. – I find this provision about parking spaces very unfortunate. Especially if it is set strictly. Because the number of parking spaces cannot be determined in advance for the entire country, says Professor Agata Twardoch, an architect and urban planner from the Silesian University of Technology. Because the demand for parking lots, for example on the outskirts of Rzeszów, is different from that in the center of Warsaw, where residents are increasingly consciously giving up having a car.

Source of main photo: TVN24

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