Omtzigt at party conference: ‘We negotiate hard and fiercely’

#Omtzigt #party #conference #negotiate #hard #fiercely

A member asked in a motion to make as few concessions as possible to the radical right-wing party of Geert Wilders. “Don’t worry,” Omtzigt said.

Rock hard and fierce

In a conference hall in Breda, he promised, together with the other NSC negotiators, to ‘stand firmly for their own ideas’ and to negotiate ‘hard and very fiercely’.

The NSC leader mentions social security, better housing and ‘control over migration’ as ‘benchmarks’ that he wants to work hard for. Omtzigt does not want to say more about the formation, because radio silence has been agreed.

The submitter of the only motion critical of a coalition with the PVV managed to collect insufficient signatures to put it to the vote during the congress. Nevertheless, the call is embraced by the board, which sees it as ‘support for the current line’.

Dirk Gotink, NSC’s list leader for the European elections, lashed out hard at the VVD at the conference. According to him, the ‘chaos’ with asylum is ‘the legacy after fourteen years of VVD leadership’. He argued for strict European rules to ensure that fewer migrants come this way. But Gotink also wants to take into account that this does not work. Then it should be possible to pay more attention to our own boundaries.

Stricter migration rules

The latter is a sensitive subject in the European Union. The Netherlands is in the Schengen zone, within which you can travel without border controls. Nevertheless, several Member States, such as Austria and the Czech Republic, have had border controls in the past because they wanted to control migration.

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NSC, VVD, BBB and PVV, the parties currently trying to form a cabinet, are all in favor of stricter migration rules. That subject was also one of the most important election themes in the run-up to the House of Representatives elections.

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