Oosterweel distributor of PFAS – DeWereldMorgen.beDeWereldMorgen.be

#Oosterweel #distributor #PFAS #DeWereldMorgen.beDeWereldMorgen.be

Expect after the Easter holidays Rupelstreek Environment Action Group (ALR), Climaxi, Save our Clay Pits in Citizen platform from OurMobility a ruling by the judge on the merits. A year ago, in January 2023, these environmental associations tried to halt the construction of the tunnel until VITO had completed its study. Minister Zuhal Demir did not wait for the study to permit construction.

The VITO study, published in September 2023, speaks clearly. Lantis is not able to measure, let alone purify, all PFAS chains. Lantis is building the Oosterweel tunnel close to the factory site 3M. 3M produced not only long chain, but also short and ultra-short chain PFAS. Lantis cannot purify that short and ultra-short chain, according to VITO. The study confirms the concerns of the action groups. This means that Lantis has been discharging short-chain PFAS into the Scheldt for more than a year. The construction of the Oosterweel tunnel ensures that PFAS are spread throughout the world. Once PFAS is present in the environment, removing them from surface water, soil and drinking water is very difficult and very expensive.

Then there is the water judgment of February 8, 2024. The judgment follows an appeal against the permit for the category 2 landfill operated by the company. Silvanus in Kortemark. The judgment states that the authorities that granted the permit did not pay attention to the possible impact of the discharge of PFOS on the surface water. The licensing authorities paid no attention to the possible deterioration of the surface water. That is simply not possible according to the water judgment. The European Water Framework Directive states that the quality of waterways must improve by 2027. Applicants and issuers of permits must therefore justify every additional discharge and test it against the Water Framework Directive. For the action groups, the water arrest is confirmation that discharging PFAS into the Scheldt is not simply possible.

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Finally, there is the memo from 3M OVAM from 2022, drawn up by a recognized soil expert. This shows that PFAS water remediation was already imposed on 3M and the surrounding area in 2008-2009. However, a thorough study of water management was pointless at that time. The Oosterweel works were going to completely mess up the water management around 3M. In short, if Oosterweel had not existed, the water management around 3M could have been investigated years earlier and the PFAS contamination of the groundwater tackled.

Climaxi and ALR act as action groupin this large file. A ruling in this case is expected after Easter.

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