Panasonic launches skinny mounted focal size lens | CEToday

#Panasonic #launches #skinny #mounted #focal #size #lens #CEToday

Panasonic has launched the Lumix S sequence of compact full-frame lenses. With a hard and fast focal size of 26mm and an aperture of F8, this lens is claimed to be appropriate for pure snapshots.

A brand new addition to Panasonic’s Lumix S sequence is the Lumix S 26mm F8 (S-R26). The new addition is a compact full-frame lens with a hard and fast focal size of 26mm and an aperture of F8. The lens additionally has guide focus. According to the producer, this lens is particularly appropriate for inventive pictures and candid snapshots.

The lens is compact and light-weight, with a complete size of 18mm and a weight of 58g. The producer guarantees that the outcomes achieved with this lens can be much like the prevailing wide-angle mounted focal size lineup of the Lumix S sequence. However, it is very important observe that this lens is simply appropriate for guide focus at F8. Camera AF settings and related utility features usually are not accessible with this lens.

The Lumix S 26mm F8 (S-R26) can be accessible from June 2024 and can be priced at 239 francs.

However, in February 2024, Panasonic launched a mini superzoom lens. It is claimed to be the smallest and lightest superzoom lens ever. More details about this learn right here.

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