Paris will order 2,000 French kamikaze drones, partly intended for Ukraine

#Paris #order #French #kamikaze #drones #partly #intended #Ukraine

“Kamikaze drones are absolutely fundamental in the conduct of operations” and will be able to constitute a “complement to the Caesar cannon in terms of artillery”, argued Thursday the Minister of the Armed Forces, Sébastien Lecornu.

Published on 02/29/2024 22:57 Updated on 02/29/2024 22:57

Reading time: 1 min The Minister of the Armed Forces, Sébastien Lecornu, February 21, 2024 in Paris. (MATHILDE KACZKOWSKI / HANS LUCAS / AFP)

The French Ministry of the Armed Forces will order 2,000 French-designed remotely operated munitions (MTOs) in the coming weeks, the first 100 of which must be urgently delivered to Ukraine by this summer, Sébastien Lecornu announced on Thursday February 29.

“I made the decision to order 2,000 remotely operated munitions, both for the needs of the French army and for Ukraine”declared the Minister of the Armed Forces during a visit to the factory of drone manufacturer Delair in Labège (Haute-Garonne). “Kamikaze drones are absolutely fundamental in the conduct of operations” and will be able to constitute a “addition to the Caesar cannon in terms of artillery”he pleaded.

Currently faced with a shortage of shells, kyiv is using drones loaded with explosives on a large scale, particularly small drones from the civilian market DIYed to carry an explosive charge. Paris intends in particular to take advantage of the feedback provided by the use of these drones in Ukraine, to improve protection technologies against electronic warfare and GPS jamming, massively used by Russian forces. For Sébastien Lecornu, these first investments in MTO “participate in an important catch-up effort for our armies”, while France is lagging behind in the development of drones.

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