Party leader debate on SVT May 5, 2024 – here are the topics

#Party #leader #debate #SVT #topics


Climate, defense and the war in Gaza.

Several heavy topics are in focus when Sweden’s party leaders meet on SVT this evening.

At 20.00 it starts – Aftonbladet reports live.

Here we report live on the party leader debate on SVT

  • The Christian Democrats’ Ebba Busch now.

    She is a little hoarse after the KD days this weekend.

    – I haven’t drunk whiskey.

    She says that a strong EU is needed to protect itself against Putin’s aggression and increased anti-Semitism in society.

    What do you do if you end up under the barricade?

    – It is not an option. My clear message is to go and vote.

  • Center leader Muharrem Demirok has been busy eating raggmunk and looking at Johan Pehrson’s Tiktok account, he says.

    As Pehrson said that Tiktok “eats its way into children’s brains”, Demirok wanted to see what the L leader himself is doing on the platform.

    According to a survey, only four out of ten Swedes still know who the Center leader is.

    How are you going to turn it around? Is it Tiktok?

    – Tiktok can be a part. Being out and being seen is another part of it.

    Tonight he wants to talk about the Center Party’s position on school issues and defense issues, he says.

  • Now comes Johan Pehrson, the Liberals.

    What do you do if you find yourself blocked in the EU elections?

    – Then we continue to fight. But I’ll make sure we don’t end up under the blockade. There is enormous strength in being a party that says Sweden becomes stronger with a stronger EU.

  • And now comes the Social Democrats’ party leader Magdalena Andersson.

    She is asked if she is worried about the Eurovision week in Malmö.

    – I assume that the government has ensured that this can be carried out in a safe and secure manner.

  • The left party’s Nooshi Dadgostar is first on the scene.

    Aftonbladet asks about the big security effort in Malmö and with Eurovision.

    Nooshi Dadgostar does not think that Israel should have been allowed to participate.

    – There is now a mass assault going on in the Gaza Strip. Families are starving to death. Of course the outside world would have to mark. Then this would have been a joyous celebration instead of a safety concern.

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Hosts for tonight’s debate in “Agenda” are Camilla Kvartoft and Anders Holmberg.

Both believe that the war in Gaza is the topic that can heat up the debate a little extra.

– It feels very important to include this topic. It will perhaps become even more relevant with the security situation around Eurovision in Malmö, which takes place in a week, says Camilla Kvartoft to SVT.


full screen Magdalena Andersson (S). Photo: Lotte Fernvall


full screenUlf Kristersson (M). Photo: Lotte Fernvall / Schibsted

EU elections are approaching

The other topics to be bumped and soaked are healthcare, school, defense and the climate.

According to the presenters, the climate is an issue that comes up particularly often in the debates.

– We feel it is particularly relevant because it is the EU election and it is an issue that is so extremely connected to the EU election, Anders Holmberg tells SVT.

In addition to debating with each other, the party leaders will also be allowed to answer viewer questions submitted in advance.


full screenEbba Busch (KD). Photo: Jimmy WixdreamFACTS

Here are the topics in the party leader debate

  • Healthcare
  • School
  • The war in Gaza
  • The defense
  • The climate

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full screen Jimmie Åkesson (SD). Photo: Lotte Fernvall

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