Passos Coelho wants an end to theater between PSD and Chega – Politics

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Former prime minister tells Ventura to “moderate” and receives, in return, support from the party for a future presidential candidacy.

Without mentioning names, Pedro Passos Coelho asked this Monday that PSD and Chega find consensus, pointing out that “there are people who are starting to get bored with this theater”, in an allusion to the distance between the two parties. “People don’t like to be treated like extras”, said the former social democratic leader, during the presentation of the book, at the Buchholz bookstore in Lisbon, ‘Identity and Family’, which attacks abortion and “gender ideology”. The former prime minister issued a warning: “It is essential that we look at people who have become disillusioned.”

In attendance, the president of Chega, André Ventura, listened to Passos Coelho’s opinions, while the Minister of Defense, Nuno Melo, was the only member of the Government present. In the front row, the centrist heard Passos praise the change in the government logo: “The new Government started well with a symbolic measure, but an important one. We cannot pretend that we can play with symbols, because they belong to everyone”, he pointed out.

He also criticized the dissolution of the SEF, which he said was “a demagogic and populist idea, to nip evil in the bud, ending institutions. That doesn’t make sense.” He also warned about immigration and security, highlighting that “Portugal is falling behind” in border control.

As for Ventura, he greeted Passos Coelho and listened to advice for him to have more consideration, dialogue and humility, which was met with Chega’s support for a possible presidential candidacy. Despite requests for consensus, Passos Coelho assured: “I’m from the PSD. There’s no doubt about that.” Regarding the book’s theme, the social democrat rejected the “labels that are placed with a clear intention of declassifying and diminishing certain opinions”, highlighting that he was called a “fascist many times”.

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Outside the Buchholz bookstore, a demonstration with around ten people was waiting for the participants, but the group, with LGBT flags and their faces covered, dispersed before Passos Coelho and André Ventura left.

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