Péter Magyar: I receive information from the Prime Minister’s immediate environment

#Péter #Magyar #receive #information #Prime #Ministers #environment

He knows that there is panic in Carmelita, and he has not named his party yet because he does not want to put a weapon in the hands of propaganda.

After another demonstration at the weekend, he was a guest of ATV on Monday evening Hungarian Peter, who said that everything has its time, will soon announce which party he will cooperate with during the summer election, and then they will also present their EP list. As he said, he wants to leave the least amount of time for the propaganda to be able to attack them, and in his opinion, it will not cause them any particular problems to collect the 20,000 signatures necessary for the launch in a few days, so they are not in a hurry to make the announcement.

Regarding the war of numbers that followed the demonstration, he said that he had been in constant communication with the police, they had been in consultation since the morning, but in the end they did not receive an official estimate of the number of participants. He considers this to be understandable, because he thinks it would be embarrassing for the government if it turned out that the biggest demonstration in recent years took place over the weekend.

When asked how he knew there was panic in Karmelita, he answered that he didn’t want to stress Orbán Victor, but to this day he receives information from the prime minister’s immediate environment, which is also where he knows that, according to him, the authorities sat all day in the Karmelita on Sunday and tried to develop the appropriate strategy against Péter Magyar. He pointed out that, in addition to discrediting him, the government’s communication focuses on insinuating that he actually shares the opposition and is a threat to the opposition parties. This can already be seen in the results of some recent polls – they asked him, to which he said that he would recommend these pollsters to try to interpret their own data, it is clear that his voters come from Fidesz.

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According to him, he was able to communicate with hundreds of people in some form during the weekend demonstration, roughly a third of them told him that they voted for Fidesz in the last election. As he said, he had been optimistic about his commitment until now, but last week things reached a new level – partly because of the discrediting campaign aimed at him.

Rogán’s propaganda was counterproductive

he declared, adding that he had received messages from tons of people last week telling him that this is why they decided to come out to his event.

Returning to the EP list, he said that they will not name 21 candidates like Fidesz, but there will be a list. They already have their own candidates, and they are waiting for civilians to apply through the previously announced tender. They would like to send at least two civilian candidates to Brussels. When asked if he still has an atomic bomb, an audio recording of him talking to members of the government, he said that it is not important whether he still has an audio recording, the real atomic bomb is the Hungarian people, and

Péter Magyar should not be expected to bring down the entire power elite alone.

Finally, they asked if he would argue anyway Deutsch With Thomas, if not only he, but all the EP chart leaders were there. To this he said that he does not want to argue about EU paragraphs, “especially not with Tamás Deutsch”, he wants to argue with the two party chairmen, Orbán and Ferenc Gyurcsány

about the fate of our country, about the entanglement between DK and Fidesz and why the Gyurcsánys were not held accountable after 2010.

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