PHOTO AND VIDEO ⟩ Army horses escaped in central London. One of the animals crashed into the windshield of a double-decker bus

#PHOTO #VIDEO #Army #horses #escaped #central #London #animals #crashed #windshield #doubledecker #bus

During the training, the horses were frightened by the noise caused by the construction work going on nearby. Four soldiers were thrown from their saddles and five horses galloped through London.

Some of the horses collided with vehicles and at least two were injured.

An eyewitness told the BBC that she saw a taxi with damaged windows in the morning. She and others nearby thought that there had been a traffic accident.

“There was one of the black horses. I thought maybe it was the police a horsewho had come to the scene, but now I understand that it was one of the runaway horses.”

Another eyewitness told the broadcaster that he saw one of the horses galloping across the street, but he couldn’t believe it, so he rushed to check his eyes.

“Turning around the corner, there was a great, loud crash – the horse had crashed into the bus parked on the side of the street.

The animal stood in the middle of the street quite stunned. To be honest, the sight was terrible. The horse was bleeding quite heavily and several people tried to comfort him and get him off the road.”

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