Photovoltaics on the block. He installed the panels and received a summons to court

#Photovoltaics #block #installed #panels #received #summons #court

Installing photovoltaic panels on balconies is a common practice in Germany – it is only gaining popularity in Poland. According to data from April, over 400,000 of our western neighbors have already chosen this solution. prosumers.

Krzysztof from Gdańsk also decided on this solution. – My son inspired me. To reduce his bills, he installed a heat pump and photovoltaics on the roof – said a resident of Gdańsk in an interview with the portal

He also wanted to reduce his electricity bills this way. – Exactly 65% ​​of households pay for electricity and heating of a 250-meter house. less than I pay rent and electricity bills. I decided that if photovoltaics works at home, it will also work in an apartment – he added.

For this purpose, the man bought a set from the Internet, which included two photovoltaic panels with a power of 400 W for PLN 3.5 thousand. zloty. After some time, he added the same third panel for PLN 1.2 thousand. zloty. The resident of Gdańsk completed all formalities – due to the fact that the installation’s power exceeded 800 W, he had to inform the energy company about its launch.

The man was also visited by an installer who replaced his meter with a bidirectional one, and he himself became an energy prosumer, being both a producer and consumer of solar energy.

– Thanks to the balcony installation, my electricity bills have dropped by about 30%. I track current production and settlements in the customer profile on the website of the energy company that sells me electricity, Energi – he said in an interview with the portal.

However, the story does not end there – a resident of Gdańsk installed it photovoltaic installation on your balcony without the consent of the housing association to which you belong.

Mr. Krzysztof explains that at the beginning he asked the management board for consent, but he did not obtain it, and the response did not provide any substantive arguments for such a decision. Many months of correspondence began.

The resident presented expert opinions in which: the architect stated that the installation did not negatively affect the appearance of the building’s facade, and the construction appraiser stated that the balcony could easily withstand the load – but these letters remained unanswered.

The man even collected 500 signatures per 1,000 inhabitants on a petition in support of the initiative – he finally decided to install the panels. After a few weeks, he received a lawsuit. – In November, they applied for an order to demolish the panels, and I received a lawsuit in civil court – said Mr. Krzysztof. The man is waiting for a court date to be set.


“Poland is our gateway to the EU.” Ambassador of Uzbekistan on cooperation between our countries INTERIA.PL

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