President João Lourenço reiterates “unshakable commitment” to combating corruption –

The President of the Republic reiterated the Executive’s “unshakable” commitment to preventing and repressing corruption in the country with the creation of institutional, human and material conditions, in order to allow the different State bodies to fulfill their constitutional and legal responsibilities.

In a message released on the occasion of the International Day against Corruption, which is marked today, João Lourenço urges Angolan society to continue and firmly engage in the moralization of society and the consolidation of a new mentality regarding respect and protection of public goods and resources.

“We have already taken important steps, but we still have a long way to go”, recognizes the President of the Republic, adding that only together and united will it be possible to defeat corruption.

The President recalls that the country knows, from its own experience, the evils caused by corruption and therefore recognizes the need to permanently combat the evil, creating conditions for prevention, elimination of the feeling of impunity and exemplary repression. The fight against corruption and impunity is one of the banners of João Lourenço’s governance.

International Day against Corruption was established by the United Nations, in reference to the approval of the United Nations Convention against Corruption. The institutionalization of the date results from the recognition of the existence of corruption as a universal evil, which disrupts societies, subverts moral values, nullifies the rules of competition, undermines trust in institutions, delays economic development and worsens the social problems of populations.

The United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) was promulgated on 31 October 2003 and came into force on 14 December 2005. It is the only legally binding international multilateral anti-corruption treaty. Negotiated by Member States of the United Nations, the instrument was adopted by the UN General Assembly in October 2003.

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The treaty recognizes the importance of preventive and punitive measures, addresses the cross-border nature of corruption with provisions on international cooperation and on the return of the proceeds of corruption.

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