Professional predicts robust political situation in 2027 –

Political scientist Agostinho Sicato foresees the 2027 elections being shut, wanting on the actions of the principle political forces in Angola, specifically the MPLA and UNITA, and thinks that these political formations that don’t grow to be massive could possibly be extinguished.

Sicato made these statements this Saturday, 18th, through the Geração 80 program, on Radio .

The political scientist considers the motion carried out by the MPLA and UNITA concerning the brand new design of the National Electoral Commission to be unfair, which, in his opinion, aimed to hurt the PRS and the FNLA, to the advantage of the PHA.

The new CNE design assigns 9 commissioners to the MPLA, 5 to UNITA and the PRS-FNLA combined parliamentary group and one to the PHA.

Listen to the commentary, at present, from 1 pm, on Jornal da Tarde, on Rádio , on 103.7 FM or

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