Range Rover, the off-road vehicle that everyone loves, on sale at an incredible price: you can make a dream come true

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The Range Rover is one of the best off-road vehicles in the world and for this reason this offer will make everyone dream.

The love for engines has always been clearly and clearly seen from Great Britain, with many companies that have established themselves on the market in various sectors. One of those that has achieved the greatest results is undoubtedly Land Rover, with the English brand that has been able to create an exceptional Range Rover, one of the best-known off-road vehicles in the world.

Land Rover (derapate.it)

The myth of Range Rover it started from afar, so much so that this giant has been able to establish itself more and more over the years and thus effectively become a brand parallel to that of the main house. There are very few cars that have been able to establish themselves in this way in history, for this reason the Range Rover it still remains a point of reference for all fans of the genre today.

Over time the style has evolved and modernized, becoming more and more a SUV also suitable for everyday life, with urban roads now having the opportunity to admire the presence of these cars. Its dimensions make it one of the safest cars in the world and in the event of an accident there is really no danger.

However, the starting cost has always been very high, which is why there are many who have not been able to purchase this model. Fortunately, however, there are periods in which companies decide to meet their customers’ needs, with offers that must be seized upon so as not to have regrets later.

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Land Rover Range Rover: you can buy it with very little money

The Range Rover it is therefore one of the most high-performance cars in the world, with dimensions that highlight its length of 505 cm, width of 205 cm and height of 187 cm, thus allowing it to be approved for both five and seven people. There is great attention to the technological aspect, so much so that it features a 13.7-inch display on the dashboard and a 13.1-inch display in the center of the dashboard.

Land Rover Range Rover (Land Rover Press Media – derapate.it)

There are several models on the market, but now all of them are hybrids, with the basic version being a Mild Hybrid. It will not only be purchasable with petrol fuel, but there is also a diesel model, with these featuring a 3000cc 6-cylinder engine which can deliver a maximum of 350 horsepower, which allows it to reach a peak of 234 km /h as maximum speed.

Consumption is also quite low given the size, with just 7.8 liters per 100 km, with the starting price being 168,700 euros. Incredible figures, but now you can buy it with a very convenient loan, with the Land Rover offer which will last until March 31, 2024.

To purchase the model in question, in fact, an advance payment of only 45,230.02 Euros will be enough and from that moment on there will be monthly installments of 1350 Euros for a total of 47 months. The TAN will be 5.99% and the APR of 7.41%, with the final maxi installment which, in the event that you want to redeem the car, which will be 85.6237,06 Euroan opportunity to be seized upon.

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