Recovered Iron Discoveries – An Important Export of the Persian Period

#Recovered #Iron #Discoveries #Important #Export #Persian #Period

According to DN.

– In the previous, there was no sum of money wanted for precise evaluation. Now we hope to reply precisely what the Osmond Iron was, what it could be used for and the place the ship was going when it sank, marine archaeologist and challenge chief Jim Hansson informed the newspaper.

From the Middle Ages to the seventeenth century, osmund was an vital Swedish export till the introduction of iron ingots. The wreck of the Dalarö, then an abnormal service provider ship carrying about 20 osmotic nozzles, is believed to have sunk within the 1550s.

It was resting quietly below 30 meters of water till final Friday, when transport started.

Work continues subsequent week. Retrieval operations are dealt with by the Vrak Museum and Iron Office in Stockholm.

Fact: Osmund Iron

The want for iron elevated through the Middle Ages. Production was intensified by mine and blast furnace know-how. Osmotic iron from blast furnaces was cheaper than blast furnace merchandise.

The malleable iron was chopped into small chunks known as osmunds, every weighing about 280 g. Osmund Iron has been created from pig iron because the sixteenth century.

Osmund iron from Sweden was exported to many elements of Europe through the Middle Ages. The first written proof for iron exports comes from the thirteenth century.

The major sources of imports within the late Middle Ages have been North German ports. By the late sixteenth century, Swedish exports amounted to roughly 3,500 tons per 12 months.


Source: Shipwreck – Shipwreck Museum

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