Right, give and get 1,000 thousand pounds.. Good news about the irregular employment grant in 2024.. Cheer up and be happy, uncle!!

#give #thousand #pounds. #Good #news #irregular #employment #grant #Cheer #happy #uncle

Reliable sources have recently revealed the value of the irregular worker grant, and it is scheduled to amount to 1,000 pounds. This will be the first item to be obtained in the irregular worker assistance and care fund to provide a decent life following the issuance of a decision to approve it by the Council of Ministers after obtaining a vote from Parliament. By establishing the council that President Sisi mentioned.

Irregular employment grant

  • The sources indicated that there are 2.5 million Egyptian workers who will benefit from the irregular employment grant, which is worth 1,000 pounds, after the establishment of the fund.
  • According to what was stated in the Labor Law issued No. 12 of 2003, irregular workers were given a type of care and protection from the government and the competent authority “the Ministry of Labour”, for all workers in the private sector and seasonal and irregular workers.

What is the number of irregular employment grants per year?

The government disburses grants to irregular workers 6 times a year, on the following occasions: “School grant, two grants on Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, the Prophet’s birthday grant, marriage grant, and death aid grant for the breadwinner. The value of grants for irregular workers ranges between 500 and 1,000 pounds.” This is determined according to the occasion and condition of each grant.”

Categories to which irregular employment grants are paid

The government has allocated several categories to receive the irregular employment grant, which are as follows:

  • Workers who do not belong to any governmental or private entity, but rather work freelance work with irregular schedules or salary.
  • Freelancers, such as street vendors and handicraft owners, such as plumbers who perform many repairs, mechanics who repair cars and motorcycles, and also carpenters who make furniture and others.
  • In addition to those working in centers for memorizing the Holy Qur’an and teaching children, such as sheikhs.
  • Also those who serve in churches, such as saints.
  • Anyone who works in deportation also receives the grant.
  • Peasants who own a plot of land of less than an acre.
  • A worker who does not have a fixed salary and works only on a daily basis, such as a porter and others.
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