SADC Summit debates results of El Niño right now –

The President of the Southern African Development Community and Head of State of Angola, João Lourenço, presides this Monday, twentieth, on the Extraordinary Summit of SADC Heads of State and Government on the El Niño phenomenon.

During the summit, which takes place in a digital format, the measures to be applied to mitigate the consequences of the drought and deal with the vital scenario of meals and dietary safety within the SADC area shall be mentioned and evaluated.

The summit will culminate within the launch of the SADC Humanitarian Appeal, highlighting the precedence wants of the affected inhabitants and calling for rapid assist from regional and worldwide companions to answer these wants.

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According to info, El Niño is an atmospheric and oceanic phenomenon that causes irregular warming of the floor waters of the Tropical Pacific Ocean. This phenomenon can disrupt the regional and world local weather, altering world wind patterns and modifying the rainfall regime in low and medium latitudes.

It is a cyclical local weather occasion that may generate warmth waves, droughts or floods relying on the area. The common period of the phenomenon is twelve months. The 2023-2024 El Niño is the strongest lately, with an increase in water temperatures that exceeded 2°C.

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