Sandra Dewi’s husband did not expect to be named a suspect in the tin corruption case

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The tin corruption case that has been circulating recently has shocked the public, especially after my husband Sandra Dewi, Harvey Moeis, was involved and became a suspect. It is said that the father of two children did not expect to be named a suspect.

This was stated by his lawyer, Harris Arthur Hedar, when contacted by detikcom, Thursday (25/4/2024). Harvey is said to be truly surprised about what is happening now.

“Mr HM is in fine condition. He never thought he would be made a suspect, he really didn’t know. Where was his involvement in the case? That’s what surprised him,” he said.

It is said that Harvey Moeis can now be visited freely. However, Harris Arthur Hedar does not know whether Sandra Dewi has done this or not.

“He can be visited automatically, right if he is able to visit him? What is the matter of household communication? We can’t know,” he said.

On that occasion, Harris Arthur Hedar revealed the separation of assets between Harvey Moeis and Sandra Dewi. The couple’s assets are currently in the spotlight considering that the four cars Harvey gave to Sandra were confiscated by the Attorney General’s Office.

“Yes. Before Pak HM married Bu Sandra there was indeed an agreement from both sides, an agreement to separate property, that is true,” he said.

Harvey Moeis’ assets that have been confiscated by the AGO are four cars belonging to Harvey Moeis, namely the Toyota Vellfire, Lexus, MINI Cooper and Rolls Royce. MINI Cooper and Rolls Royce were birthday gifts from Harvey Moeis for Sandra Dewi.

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“What was confiscated also belonged to (Sandra Dewi) which was given to her by HM. It was indeed property which HM bought for her. Not what Mrs. Sandra got,” stressed Harris Arthur Hedar.

The property separation agreement was said by Harris Arthur Hedar to have occurred since Harvey Moeis and Sandra Dewi married in 2016. Harvey and Sandra Dewi married November 8 2016.

“Because we both know that Mr. HM is a businessman, previously he was also a businessman. Mrs. Sandra is a well-known artist and has been involved in the world of artistry and business for a long time. So they did do that (agreement to separate assets). This is normal in there is a bond, I’m sure there is,” he said.

Watch the video “Getting to know Harvey Moeis, Sandra Dewi’s husband who was dragged into a tin corruption case”


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