Teacher is convicted of raping his student

#Teacher #convicted #raping #student

Updated 17.17 | Published 16.11



A 35-year-old teacher is sentenced to over four years in prison for, among other things, rape of his student.

The first assault happened during class time when the class was watching a movie.

“I wanted to run away from there, as far away as I could,” the girl noted afterwards.

  • A teacher in Stockholm is sentenced to over four years in prison for, among other things, rape of an underage student.
  • The teacher had initiated contact with the student via Snapchat and the abuse took place both at school and via Facetime.
  • The school regrets the incident. The teacher denies wrongdoing and plans to appeal the verdict.

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A teacher in the Stockholm area was arrested in November.

On Tuesday, he was convicted of four counts of child rape, eight counts of child sexual abuse, and one count of exploiting a child for sexual posing.

The crimes were committed against a girl who was a student at a secondary school where the man was a teacher. She was under 15 years old.

Was warned – but continued to be the girl’s teacher

The teacher began contacting the girl on Snapchat in early 2022, with nightly messages.

The girl found it unpleasant and contacted the school administration, who called a meeting and issued the teacher with a warning.

But the man remained her teacher, and during the fall his inappropriate behavior escalated.

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During a lesson, the class sat and watched a film about minority languages.

Then the teacher came and sat next to the girl, caressing the inside of her thigh for over ten minutes. The girl states that her body became completely rigid.

“I will never forget that Swedish lesson when you put your hand on my thigh for the first time. When I wanted to run away from there, as far away as I could,” the girl noted afterwards.

The second assault at school happened a month or so later, when the teacher asked the girl to stay in the classroom after class. He locked the door, hugged her, and the teacher then had a stand.

There was also a third incident at the school, again in a classroom. Afterwards the teacher wrote to the girl:

“When I felt your body, it was like a million things exploded. Feeling pissed off. But quick snap later?”

The teacher is convicted of sexually abusing children after these three incidents at school.

The school: “It’s terrible”

The teacher is also convicted of four counts of rape against children. These have taken place through video calls over Facetime, and that the teacher made the girl carry out sexual acts that she filmed and sent to him.

He is sentenced to prison for four years and three months. The district court writes that the teacher “used his position of trust vis-à-vis the plaintiff who was unable to say no to his teacher, and also put her in a very stressful situation”.


full screen The teacher sought contact with the child via Snapchat. Photo: Jessica Gow/TT

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When Aftonbladet wrote about the arrest in November the principal said that they were not aware that anything had happened at the school. Which is now refuted by the district court’s judgment.

“When your colleague contacted us, we had no information about what had happened at the school or to what extent. We take it very seriously that this could happen at our school. It is terrible and our thoughts go out to the victim and her family,” says the principal in an email.

The principal says the teacher was suspended while the school investigated the initial Snapchat messages. And that the school only became aware of the relationship and the crimes when the teacher left the school.

“As far as the school’s reaction is concerned, we have reviewed our routines during the course of the investigation and involved the student health team in the work. This is so that we can, to the greatest extent possible, prevent things like this from happening again.”

The teacher denies wrongdoing – will appeal

The teacher has stated that he was in love with the girl. He says he didn’t know she felt bad about the relationship, and never wished her ill.

– He has denied any crime and we will appeal almost all parts, says lawyer Adrienne Bonde.

The prosecutor, on the other hand, is satisfied with the verdict.

– He was convicted of all the acts that I had prosecuted for, and received a rather long prison sentence, says chamber prosecutor Agnes Valdemarsson.

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The teacher was also investigated for crimes against more people, but there the investigation was dropped as there was no reason to assume that a crime had been committed.

The girl’s attorney declined to comment. The teacher must pay SEK 680,000 in damages to the girl.

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