The five indoor plants that are easy to care for and promote mental health

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The love for plants promotes care for the environment and interest in green energies, while benefiting comprehensive well-being (Illustrative Image Infobae)

There is a love that unites millions of people in the world: the love for plants. Green energy is expanding globally and every day there is more awareness of caring for the environment. environment.

Las indoor plants provide intimate contact with nature and they end up being silent companions, providing serenity and visual respite in the corners of our home or workplace. But there’s more to it than that: they have a significant impact on reducing stress and promoting mental health. Thanks to their ability to produce oxygen, plant respiration is our very life. And some species stand out for their ease of care and for being particularly beneficial for the indoor environment and our mood.

For Charles Guy, professor emeritus in the department of environmental horticulture at the University of Florida, “gardening can improve the mental health of people who have existing medical conditions or problems.”

Having indoor plants and caring for them promotes mental health (Illustrative Image Infobae)

And recent study argues that therapeutic gardens can help significantly improve the health and well-being of older adults with diseases such as Alzheimer’s, because they can use these areas to reduce stress and increase well-being during times of isolation.

The results indicated a significant increase in the proteins responsible for satisfaction and happiness, as well as improvements in the participants’ sleep quality. The study indicates, then, that therapeutic gardens can be a useful tool to improve physical and mental health.

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As warned by the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)several studies confirm that frequent forays into nature can also reduce stress hormone levels, combat depression, facilitate better sleep, encourage creativity, and make people kinder and less aggressive, among other benefits.

Several studies showed that gardening or indoor gardens reduce stress (Illustrative Image Infobae)

“When we see green, there is an evolutionary response, it is almost as if we have visited a sanctuary,” Gary Altman, associate director of the horticultural therapy program at Rutgers University, told Time magazine, adding that “it reduces feelings of fear and anxiety; Even if you are feeling angry, it can calm you down.”

For the Norwegian agronomist and psychiatric nurse and influencer Andres Røyneberg, in his new book Green Home. The joy of living with plants, behind an apartment full of green there is a “philosophy of life”, with significant positive effects on people’s physical and mental health.

What plants can make you happy with little effort? Here are some proposals:

Sansevieria or mother-in-law’s tongue can purify the air at night

Sansevieria (Sansevieria trifasciata), known for its hardiness, requires minimal watering and tolerates varied light conditions.

Commonly known as mother-in-law’s tongue or St. George’s sword, it is one of the most tolerant and low-maintenance plants out there. It requires minimal watering – only when the soil dries completely – and adapts to both well-lit and dimly lit spaces.

Its ability to purify the air even during the night makes it an excellent companion for the bedroom, helping to improve the quality of sleep and, therefore, general well-being.

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Interaction with Monstera Deliciosa or Adam’s Rib can be used as a form of relaxation

This plant, also known as Monstera delicious or Adam’s Rib, is another popular houseplant that is relatively easy to care for and can have a positive impact on mental health.

Its large green leaves with natural cuts are not only aesthetically appealing, but can also help create a calmer, more relaxing environment.

Beyond its visual impact, interacting with a plant of this size can be therapeutic, offering an oasis of calm and a link with nature within the home.

Succulents are chosen by people who have a busy lifestyle, although they need these green allies to enjoy time in their home.

Succulents are a diverse and fascinating group of plants that have gained popularity in interior decorating for their aesthetic appeal and ease of care.

In turn, these plants are known for their ability to retain water in their leaves, stems or roots, which allows them to survive in drought conditions. This mechanism not only makes them particularly hardy and low-maintenance plants, but also allows them to adapt well to indoor environments where other types of plants might not thrive.

This low need for attention makes them ideal for people with busy lifestyles.

From purifying the air to the feeling of accomplishment from its rapid growth, Potus is an ally for mental health

With its rapid growth and heart-shaped leaves, pothos is not only able to adapt to a variety of light conditions but is also known for its ability to purify the air and cleanse it of toxins, offering a purer and more comforting environment.

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Pothos is a climbing plant that is characterized by its rapid growth and its variegated heart-shaped leaves, which is why it can become a rewarding gardening experience thanks to the immediate feeling of achievement and satisfaction. In addition, it can live happily in almost any corner of the house, as long as it receives indirect light.

Zamioculca (Alexandr Kolesnicov), due to its high resistance, is ideal for both homes and offices

The Zamioculca (Zamioculcas zamiifolia), known as the all-terrain plant, is another ideal plant when it comes to mental health, since it requires sporadic watering and adapts well to low light environments, making it the perfect candidate. for those spaces with limited light or for people with a busy lifestyle looking for a touch of green without the hassle.

It became popular for its elegant appearance and almost indestructible nature. The fact that it also has an amazing ability to absorb harmful compounds from the air complements its decorative qualities, making Zamioculca a popular choice in offices and homes.

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