the French army prepares for all terrains and closely monitors the Ukrainian theater

#French #army #prepares #terrains #closely #monitors #Ukrainian #theater

At the Sissonne military training camp, in Aisne, the soldiers of the 92nd infantry regiment are preparing to be sent to all terrains. Urban areas, use of drones, they are particularly looking at what is happening in Ukraine.

Published on 04/23/2024 06:49 Updated on 04/23/2024 07:45

Reading time: 5 min Soldiers of the 92nd infantry regiment of Clermont-Ferrand during their training at the combat village of Sissonne. (BENJAMIN ILLY / FRANCEINFO)

“Nothing should be excluded”declared Emmanuel Macron on February 26, in Paris. The president has said publicly that he has not ruled out sending ground troops to Ukraine. This is not news, but the Army is preparing to be thrown into all areas and is closely monitoring the Ukrainian theater.

When the Head of State speaks of ground troops, eyes inevitably turn to the 92nd infantry regiment of Clermont-Ferrand, which mobilized around 200 men and women for this training. Units immersed for five days in these reconstructed towns or villages on the 6,000 hectares of the Urban Action Training Center (CENZUB) in Sissonne, in Aisne. “It works a bit like a laser gamedescribes Lieutenant Valentin, the combat section leader. All our weapons are equipped with laser pointers and there are receivers on our vests.”

Drones, urban areas… The specificities of Ukraine

“Of course we are particularly looking at what is happening in Ukraine, explains Lieutenant Valentin. We see that the fighting actually takes place in the cities and so we have been training to work in urban areas for a while now.”, he continues. It is therefore a question of soldiers evolving under enemy fire. For training, they fire blanks. The soldiers progress through small buildings, a supermarket, hangars, alleys or go from house to house like here in Beauséjour, a combat village in the heart of the training camp.

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Lieutenant Valentin of the 92nd Clermont-Ferrand infantry regiment in full training in Sissonne. (BENJAMIN ILLY / FRANCEINFO)

“Among the specificities of the Ukrainian theater, there is of course the massification of drones”, explains Commander Charles, instructor at CENZUB (Urban Action Training Center). He also recognizes that they are inspired by what they observe “on the Ukrainian theater”. The massive use of drones involves “the need to disperse so as not to be vulnerable, precisely to artillery fire which benefits from the vision of these means of observation, of these drones which are multiplying”, he explains.

These soldiers don’t leave the field, they are there 24 hours a day, they sleep here, they eat here. Discomfort is part of the training, as Commander Charles explains: “The goal is also to reproduce this fatigue, this stress. You can see that they are in conditions of cold, wind, mud”.

The 92nd regiment expected in Romania

The 92nd Infantry Regiment is training because, soon, its soldiers will reinforce the eastern flank of NATO, in Romania, a country bordering Ukraine. These infantrymen are expected at the Cincu base. This is the Aigle mission, a multinational battalion of which France is a framework nation, a preventive deployment carried out on February 28, 2022 by NATO, after the start of the Russian invasion in Ukraine.

“We will be ready, whatever mission we are given.”

Colonel Stéphane Talleu


“We already came here to the Sissonne camp, to train in local combat, but rather on counter-insurgency, counter-terrorism type missions. These are the types of missions that we have carried out in recent years, whether in Afghanistan or Mali”explains Colonel Stéphane Talleu who commands the 92nd infantry regiment.

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Colonel Stéphane Talleu (left) commander of the 92nd infantry regiment of Clermont-Ferrand. (BENJAMIN ILLY/ FRANCEINFO)

“And there, we come back to a so-called high-intensity scenario”, he explains. “Instead of being faced with an asymmetrical enemy, that is to say with limited means, we are facing a more conventional enemy who has means which are close to ours. This is exactly what we can see today in Ukraine”continues Colonel Talleu.

“Defend the country, the flag, that’s what we signed up for”

“I am ready to defend my country”, explains one of the soldiers that Franceinfo was able to meet. They are young, “22 ans”, “24 ans”, rank-and-file soldiers, at the lowest of the hierarchy. They heard the words of the President of the Republic in February 2024 explaining that sending ground troops should not be excluded. And for one of these young soldiers, no doubt, the war there is “at the moment in Ukraine and almost everywhere should also encourage people to get involved”. “Because we were born in France and we must also be able to defend France“, he explains.

Soldiers of the 92nd infantry regiment of Clermont-Ferrand during their training at the combat village of Sissonne. (BENJMAIN ILLY/FRANCEINFO)

Give your life for your country, “the ultimate sacrifice”he is prepared for it, assures one of these soldiers. “Defending the country, the flag, that’s a bit of an army cliché. But we signed up for that, in fact, quite simply,” concludes the young man.

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