“The hidden secret of purification: a magical plant that gets rid of ‘hardened feces’ in a few minutes, with a divine miracle and without the need for medical intervention!”

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The senna herb has the ability to make stools softer, as it contributes to enhancing the large intestine’s absorption of larger amounts of water, which leads to an increase in the size of the stool, and thus, this facilitates faster and smoother bowel movement while the wastes pass through the large intestine. It is also one of, Senna is considered one of the most ancient perennial plants with origins extending to China, and it has been used for several thousand years in ancient Chinese medicine treatments. This herb is distinguished by its natural laxative properties due to it containing glucoside compounds, which makes it effective in significantly reducing the symptoms of constipation. Below, we present to you the most important health benefits of the senna herb.

Treats constipation

The glycosidic compounds present in senna leaves contribute to stimulating contractions and enhancing intestinal activity, which helps excrete food waste in a limited period of time ranging from 6 to 12 hours after eating. Thus, these leaves work to speed up the emptying process. Senna leaves are used in Chinese folk medicine aims to dissipate excess heat that accumulates in the large intestine. It works to help the body empty food accumulations inside the stomach. It is also used as a natural laxative in preparing the patient before undergoing colonoscopy or colon surgery.

Treats indigestion

The senna plant has a high ability to contribute to alleviating the symptoms associated with digestive problems, such as heartburn, nausea, and frequent belching. Herbs with aromatic scents help reduce the levels of annoying gases that accumulate inside the stomach, which contributes to reducing the feeling of bloating and helps with weight loss. It helps in losing weight. In reducing weight

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Senna helps in weight loss because it is an effective laxative that helps expel undigested foods from the large intestine, which improves the efficiency of the metabolic process, and this in turn contributes to weight loss.

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