The Hubble Space Telescope made the discovery of a gigantic cosmic knight – Teach me about Science

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Throughout the long history of NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope, it has managed to capture spectacular images of the infinite universe that surrounds us, which are a small sample of its beauty and mystery.

On this occasion, many users of the social network “X” (formerly Twitter) were impressed with a fabulous image of a ‘gigantic cosmic warrior who disclosed the account Curiosity (@MAstronomers).

This incredible image shown by Curiosity was named “Mystic Mountain”, and it is a region of the Carina Nebula, which is located at a distance of approximately 7,600 light years from Earth.

This image was captured by Hubble in 2020 and has once again made a great impression on all lovers and admirers of the universe, where pillars of dark dust, composed mainly of clear hydrogen gas, three light years high, are observed. which is approximately 190 thousand times the distance between the Earth and the Sun.

Experts mention that the Mystic Mountain is a pillar eroded by the intense radiation of the bright light of nearby and nascent stars within it, which shoot jets of ionized gas and hot dust to its exterior.

However, we have named it «gigantic cosmic knightDue to the great height and seen from another perspective this spectacular image, it seems to be a mysterious knight, who is mounted on his horse and who defends the stars that surround him and the infinite universe of dark monsters, being a perfect guardian heavenly.

What is the Carina Nebula?

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According to NASA, the Carina Nebula, also known as the Keel Nebula or NGC 3372, is a region of cosmic gas, vapors and dust, which is currently one of the stellar birth zones and is located in the southern constellation. of Carina, in the Milky Way, 7,600 light years away from Earth.

Image credits: NASA/@MAstronomers

It was observed for the first time by the astronomer Nicolás Louis de Lacaille in 1751, who named it the “Great Nebula” because it was the largest and most luminous that had been seen so far.

Currently, this surprising nebula is recognized by astronomers as one of the largest and most active in our galaxy, which shelters an infinite number of young stars inside and surrounds various open star clusters that are millions of years old.

Among the brightest stars sheltered by the Carina Nebula we find Eta Carinae and HD 93129A, two of the most giant, massive and luminous stars that exist in our galaxy.

NASA also explains that this nebula will disappear in a few million years, since it is being devoured and completely evaporated by the internal and surrounding stars; however, the exact year of its extinction is still unknown.

The observation of nebulae found in the cosmos, such as the Carina Nebula, provides valuable information for astronomers and scientists, since they are evidence of how stars evolve in the universe, giving a better understanding of their enigmatic existence.

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