The method by which return packaging machines can be fooled. That way you can also receive money for those that are not included in the program

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Romanians’ innovation and creativity knows no bounds, especially when it comes to opportunities to earn extra money. Recently, a video appeared on social media demonstrating how money can be obtained from recycling packaging that was not initially eligible to receive the guarantee under the System Warranty-Return (SGR), officially launched in Romania on November 30, 2023.

How does the system work?

With every purchase of plastic bottle, aluminum can or glass bottle containing the logo SGR, buyers are retained a guarantee of 50 money, intended to stimulate the return of packaging at specially arranged points. These machines recognize the products by scanning the barcodes associated with the system.

Exploitation of a vulnerability in the system

A recent video from the platform TikTok showed how one user managed to “fool” such a device. He xeroxed the barcode from an eligible product and pasted it over the code from a bottle that did not have the warranty retained at purchase. Following these simple steps, he inserted the bottle into the machine and received a 50 baht voucher in return.

Method verification

Libertatea newspaper decided to test this method. Using a bottle that did not originally have the SGR logo, the editors performed the following steps:

  • Xeroxing the barcode: A barcode from a product with the SGR logo was xeroxed.
  • Cutting and pasting code: The xeroxed code was cut and taped to the ineligible glass.
  • Testing at the point of collection: The modified bottle was inserted into the return machine, which accepted it without any problems.
  • Voucher receipt: Following the process, a voucher of 50 money was issued.
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    Implications and the future of the system

    While this trick works for now, it will become useless after June 30th, when all products sold will have to include the SGR logo. This measure will remove ineligible packaging from circulation, ensuring the integrity and efficiency of the return system.

    Impressive results of SGR

    So far, over 100 million packages have been returned, highlighting the success of recycling initiatives in Romania. The Guarantee-Return system has a significant impact on the recycling behavior of Romanians, demonstrating the country’s commitment to the sustainability objectives imposed by the European Union.

    The method of “fooling” packaging return machines may seem tempting, but it is essential to realize that sustainability and ecological responsibility are the pillars that should guide our actions. While the system adjusts to close these loopholes, each individual’s contribution to environmental protection remains crucial for a greener and more sustainable future.

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