The Ministry of Health reveals the importance of the services of the Maternal and Fetal Health Initiative… Details

#Ministry #Health #reveals #importance #services #Maternal #Fetal #Health #Initiative.. #Details

Books – Walid Abdel Salam Sunday, March 24, 2024 10:27 AM

Dr. Fawzi Fathi, Executive Director of the Initiative, said Fetal healthThe initiative teams follow up on the condition of the mother and newborn for 42 days, after the end of pregnancy, to discover risk factors for the mother or newborn, and take appropriate measures, in addition to dispensing the necessary micronutrients during the postpartum period.

Dr. Fawzi Fathi continued that the initiative guarantees the confidentiality of the analyzes and the accuracy of the test, by selecting reagents with international quality standards. It also includes advice on disease prevention, and requires the woman’s approval and acceptance of the service.

He stressed that the initiative is sustainable, within the services of health units and maternity and childhood centers, within the framework of activating and improving the quality of routine services provided by maternity and child care, and includes conducting a clinical examination to evaluate the general condition of the pregnant woman and the fetus and discover risk factors that may accompany pregnancy, tetanus vaccination, and measuring height. Weight, blood pressure, performing various tests to detect anemia, determining whether or not the mother needs to get an Anti-D injection after birth, in addition to a urine analysis to determine the albumin rate and detect urinary system diseases. The necessary micronutrients are also given to the mother during pregnancy. .

Dr. Fawzi Fathi pointed out the creation of an integrated database for the survey, and linking it to the health facilities participating in the initiative to facilitate the follow-up of the beneficiary woman and transfer her to the nearest center to receive the necessary treatment according to her condition, noting that it is possible to inquire about the date of evaluating the beneficiaries to conduct advanced examinations through the website of the “100 Million” initiative. Seha” or through the “Egypt Health” application, in addition to receiving inquiries through the hotline “15335”.

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