The MIR leave 13 of the 21 places in Soria unfilled

#MIR #leave #places #Soria #unfilled

The internal resident doctors, MIR, have requested eight training places in Soria, but have left another 13 unfilled until completing the 21 that were offered from the Santa Bárbara de Soria University Hospital for new residents. This is a common trend since the last call, a year ago, there were 12 places that were vacant in this election. The main obstacle is in Family and Community Medicine, a specialty that is difficult to complete in provinces like Soria where the rural environment is so extensive and Primary Care doctors have to work in areas with a small population.

Thus, in Soria, of the 15 places offered, only three have been filled. And to demonstrate the limited attractiveness of Family Medicine for the MIR, it is enough to remember that a request was not made until number 10,288 of all those approved and with the option for a place, a total of 11,755 in the country as a whole. Specifically, residents could choose since last April 8 and the aforementioned had to wait until the 18th. The third and last Family Doctor request occurred yesterday, the last day to choose, and was number 11,672.

The rest of the specialties offered at the Santa Bárbara de Soria University Hospital have been covered, with the exception of one in Occupational Medicine.

The first specialty requested by the MIR in the province was Urology, although we also had to wait for number 3,878 and April 12 for said position to be filled. This was followed by Radiodiagnosis, Intensive Care Medicine, Internal Medicine and Psychiatry.

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For its part, the Junta de Castilla y León hopes that an “additional period” will be opened, as a “second opportunity”, as was already done in 2023, so that “many of the MIR positions” in the specialty of Family and Community Medicine, which have not been filled in a first selection, as is the case of Soria.

The spokesperson for the Board, Carlos Fernández Carriedo, pointed out that Family is the specialty “with the least demand” in all of Spain and recalled that the procedure for awarding training places “has not finished”, so the assessment must be made when the entire period ends.

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