The most effective way to use eggshells as fertilizer for orchids and anthuriums

#effective #eggshells #fertilizer #orchids #anthuriums

Do you want your anthuriums and orchids look more beautiful than ever? We share the best way to use the egg shells to create a homemade fertilizer which will provide them with all the nutrients they need to grow healthy and radiant.

Adventure Foto: Unsplash

How to use eggshell as fertilizer?

Las eggshells They are an excellent source of calcium, a vital nutrient for healthy plant growth, especially for anthuriums and orchids. In addition, they contain other minerals such as magnesium and potassium, which are also beneficial for plant development. But they are often placed directly or in a way in which the absorption of nutrients is slower and incomplete. Therefore, we share with you the most effective way in which your orchids and anthuriums will take advantage of the benefits that the peels can bring them. for its growth and flowering.

Egg shells Photo: Pixabay

Recipe for natural fertilizer with eggshells


  • Eggshells
  • Lemon


  • In a jar with a lid, add the ground egg shells or in the smallest pieces possible.
  • Squeeze the juice of half a lemon.
  • Cover the jar.
  • Let it rest for 12 hours.
  • After time, add the resulting liquid to a bottle with 2 liters of water and shake.
  • Water your anthuriums and orchids.
  • Do it maximum 1 to 2 times a month.
  • He lemon will generate an effervescence that makes all the nutrients, including the egg calcium, are released correctly and you can take advantage of it as fertilizer.

    Benefits of homemade eggshell fertilizer for anthuriums and orchids

    The calcium present in eggshells is essential for strengthening the cell walls of plants, which improves their structure and resistance.

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    The calcium and other minerals present in eggshells can contribute to more abundant and longer flowering in anthuriums and orchids.

    • Improves root health

    The nutrients in eggshells can benefit the root system of plants, promoting more vigorous growth and better absorption of water and nutrients. Orchids Photo: Unsplash

    So now you know, every time you prepare eggs you save the eggshells to fertilize your plants naturally and you will see that your anthuriums and orchids They will thank you with their beauty in all its splendor.

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