The Poles sent a clear message to Russia: We are ready for nuclear weapons

#Poles #clear #message #Russia #ready #nuclear #weapons

Poland is a dangerous enemy. This was stated in an interview by Polish President Andrzej Duda, who pointed out that the country is ready to let the West deploy nuclear weapons on its territory. He is said to be able to repel any attack.

Polish President Andrzej Duda showed that Poland will not be intimidated by Russia. During meetings with US President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, he tried to strengthen Polish cooperation with the US. They even touched on the issue of nuclear weapons.

According to the Polish president, Poland is ready for them. “If our allies decide to deploy nuclear weapons within the strengthening the security of NATO’s eastern flank even on our territory, we are ready for it,” the president said in an interview with a Polish daily Fact.

Russia should understand that Poland is now a key player. “I believe that if we behave responsibly like we have been doing, war will never happen because we will always be strong enough to be afraid to attack us. That’s what deterrence is all about.” pointed out Duda.

He also pointed out the historical connections. “The United States and the West thus prevented the situation from escalating during the Cold War. It did not escalate because the West was full of missiles and Soviet Russia also had enough of them and no one dared to attack anyone,” the president added.

It is the relationship with the USA that is key for Poland. Today’s Russia, in which imperial ambitions have revived, must see that the West, including us, is strong and that our territory is teeming with missiles and the warheads of the most modern tanks. We are able to defend against any attack and inflict heavy losses on the enemy.” said Duda. According to The Guardian the president has been trying to strengthen relations with the United States for a long time.

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