The propaganda track singing the greatness of Kim Jong-un became a huge TikTok hit

#propaganda #track #singing #greatness #Kim #Jongun #huge #TikTok #hit

Taylor Swift didn’t expect that the appearance of your disc after being dethroned so soon – wrote one TikTok user jokingly after the North Korean propaganda number released a few weeks ago already a big hit.

Of course, the majority of users are aware that the cheerful synthpop song is about the leader of the North Korean regime, the “friendly father”, Kim Jong-un, but judging by the reactions, the catchy tune simply could not be resisted by the Western audience. Some even demanded a Grammy for the song.

A BBC according to experts interviewed by In this case, they create a song from the beginning, which simply gets into the listener’s head with its cheerful rhythm, easy-to-sing and memorable melody and lyrics. The song should also clearly convey the message that North Koreans owe their leader and the ruling Communist Party a debt of gratitude.

The experts drew attention to one more important thing in the song. Until now, Kim Jong-un has mostly been referred to as the great heir in propaganda, but the song that became popular on TikTok already refers to him as a father figure and the great leader. As we wrote in our previous article, this song already indicates that the North Korean leader is stepping out of the shadow of his father, Kim Il Sung.

Several people on TikTok compare the “very abbas” song to older Spanish, French or Eastern European songs, and encouraged by the current success, several people recommend other North Korean bands, such as Pochonbó and Moranbongo, to other users.

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