The sad truth behind Chris O’Neill’s fears

#sad #truth #Chris #ONeills #fears

A very sad news.
Now the real reason behind Chris O’Neill’s reluctance to move to Sweden emerges.
It is sad to note what the American’s reluctance is based on.

Recently, Chris O’Neill, 49, managed to sell the family’s luxury villa in Pinecrest outside Miami.

The American was forced to drop the price considerably before he finally managed to get SEK 75 million for the house of 650 square meters and which has eight bathrooms.

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Now the tragic explanation for Chris O’Neill’s reluctance and fear to move to Sweden is revealed.

Photo: Jonas Ekströmer/TT

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Chris O’Neill realized he had to, now the American has made a smart move to save the marriage with Princess Madeleine.

Photo: Jonas Ekströmer/TT

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Carl Jan ended up next to Chris O’Neill in the pub. However, the winner took no notice of the American and devoted his attention to his company.

Image: Stop the Presses

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Now Chris O’Neill is forced to leave a sad message to his friends in Florida. The American has no choice.

Image: TT

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There have been many concerns with Chris O’Neill over the years.

Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TT

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It is said to be Chris O’Neill who stopped Princess Madeleine’s move home to Sweden.

Image: Mikael Fritzon/TT

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Here, Princess Madeleine and Chris O’Neill arrive at Crown Princess Victoria’s birthday party, and for once the American pulls a smile.

Photo: Caisa Rasmussen/TT

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Princess Madeleine was happy that Chris O’Neill came along to New York and the gala dinner with the Childhood Foundation and for once the American looked really handsome.

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Photo: Pontus Höök/TT

There are now conditions for the princess family to really move home to Sweden this year. However, we should not be completely sure.

Failed trip

The court refuses to confirm that Chris and the princess Madeleine, 41, is really putting down his stakes in Stockholm. The Information Manager Margaret Thorgren60, has gone underground since king Carl Gustafs77, failed trip to Mexico.

Thorgren is said to have some kind of relationship with the photographer who manipulated a picture with the royal couple and it is rumored that she took leave from the court without pay after the connection came to light.

There is a lot of hush-hush surrounding Margareta Thorgren’s private relationship with the photographer and no one really knows if it has influenced the choice to manipulate the image.

At the same time, there are reports that Thorgren is having problems at “home ground” after the relationship with the photographer was leaked.

It was Margareta Thorgen who claimed last year that the princess couple’s move to Sweden was postponed by a year due to “lack of time”. A laughable evasion that no normal sane person would believe.

Now, however, Thorgren refuses to answer whether Madeleine and Chris are really on their way home to Sweden for good.

Several leading experts do not think there will be any move. Chris’ reluctance is too strong.

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No friends

The American detests Sweden and the court expert Herman Lindqvist81, doesn’t think it will happen.

– It’s probably because he simply doesn’t want to live as a royal prisoner in the castle. With that attention and that commitment. Besides, I think he would dislike something huge in what, for him, is little Stockholm. As soon as he walks 300 meters, people are staring at him and know who he is all the time, Herman Lindqvist tells Happened.

The plan is for the princess family to live in the floor of over 400 square meters at Hovstallet. However, Herman Lindqvist believes that Chris will suffer all kinds of hardships in Östermalmsvåningen.

– He would probably be displeased if he sees that seven-year-old in the Hovstallet. I don’t think he wants to live there because it’s so crowded and confined in the city. He is used to and has lived larger in his life, in large houses and villas with gardens and swimming pools, Herman Lindqvist tells Hänt and adds:

– If you are used to it, it is very difficult to move down.

In addition, the court expert and author reveals that Chris O’Neill becomes very isolated and lonely in Stockholm – the American simply has no friends in the Swedish capital.

– No, no, he hasn’t. He has a number of acquaintances like that but he has no real friends, he doesn’t.

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