The Swedish investigation into the explosion of the Nord Stream has been concluded, evidence has been handed over to Germany

#Swedish #investigation #explosion #Nord #Stream #concluded #evidence #handed #Germany

The investigation concluded that Swedish jurisdiction is not applicable and therefore the investigation should be closed

– the Swedish prosecutor’s office wrote in its statement.

In September 2022, an explosion occurred in three of the two pipeline pairs of the Nord Stream connecting Russia to Germany at the bottom of the Baltic Sea. The locations of the explosions were in the exclusive economic zones of Denmark and Sweden. Although some believe that the bombing was in the interests of the United States and others of Russia, after a while the suspicion shifted to a group of Ukrainians.

The Swedish investigation proved that the gas pipelines had indeed been sabotaged.

The investigation of Germany and Denmark continues.

The Swedish prosecutor’s office highlighted

they were able to hand over materials serving as evidence to the German investigators.

After an extensive investigation, Swedish prosecutors concluded that there was nothing to suggest that Sweden or Swedish nationals were involved in the attack, which took place in “international waters”.

Cover image source: Swedish Coast Guard Handout /Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

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