the Villeurbanne shooting filmed

#Villeurbanne #shooting #filmed

This Wednesday late afternoon, a young man was the target of a shooting in Villeurbanne.

In critical condition in hospital, he was filmed being shot. The shocking video was published on social networks.

At the foot of the towers of Place Bel-Air, several individuals seem to be looking for the victim who arrives accompanied and imploring his executioners. We then see an armed person walk towards her and open fire once, almost at point blank range. Rather than shoot again to finish him off, she walks away with her rifle.

The 27-year-old victim collapsed and screamed in pain. “Call the fire brigade!”she urges, as the square empties, both of its belligerent individuals, but also of onlookers like this grandpa who was sitting on a bench not far away.

On the investigation side, we are seeking to identify the group involved, and especially the shooter. According to progressa first brawl broke out in the afternoon between the different protagonists, who therefore tried to fight again around 6:30 p.m.

We do not know whether or not these facts are linked to drug trafficking, which is increasingly present in Villeurbanne. Allée des Cèdres is in any case an important deal point in the sector.


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