The White House is confident that the US Congress will approve aid to Ukraine

#White #House #confident #Congress #approve #aid #Ukraine
There can be no question of any “Plan B”, because it will be possible to implement “Plan A” – to achieve a bipartisan vote in the US House of Representatives to grant an aid package to Ukraine. This was assured by White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan at a joint briefing with the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Andriy Yermak in Kyiv, reports a correspondent of UNIAN.

“We believe in you. We believe you will win. We believe you will build a brighter future for the Ukrainian people, a stronger democracy, a resilient and secure state that can repel future aggression, and we will be your partner every step of the way.” the road,” Sullivan emphasized.

The adviser to the US president also called on Ukraine itself to believe the US.

“We have been with you since the beginning of this war. We have provided tremendous support. We will continue to do so every day and every day we know how,” Sullivan added.

According to him, US President Joe Biden is constantly making efforts to have the request approved in the Senate for additional aid to Ukraine in the amount of 60 billion dollars also approved in the House of Representatives.

“But from our point of view, we are confident that we will be able to achieve this approval. We will provide this assistance to Ukraine,” Sullivan stressed.

At the same time, he noted that the Biden administration not only expects this, but was able to announce a new $300 million military aid package last week. The delivery of this new critical aid to Ukraine is being accelerated.

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“We will do everything we can to continue to support you and your efforts as you move forward,” he added.

In addition, he said, the US will continue to work with the rest of the world, with a coalition of more than 50 countries that stand firmly in support of Ukraine. “Together we will work until Ukraine wins,” said Sullivan categorically.

The adviser to the US president is convinced that it will be possible to implement “Plan A” – to achieve a bipartisan vote in the House of Representatives for an aid package for Ukraine. Therefore, in his opinion, there is no need to talk about “Plan B” ” – if the aid to Ukraine is theoretically not approved by Congress.

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