There is no shame, failure, mistake, or scandal that would shake the system to its foundations

#shame #failure #mistake #scandal #shake #system #foundations

According to László Kéri “this system is built in such a way that there is no shame, no failure, no mistake, no such scandalous event that would shake it to its foundations.” The political scientist listed that only a short period of time had passed since 2024, and the beginning of the year began with the incredible burn that the Prime Minister suffered in Brussels, we were also burned in approving the Swedish accession by being left on our own for 18 months, and February 2- from the grace scandal.

“The region of Hungarian politics is becoming chaotic, but there is a lower level that affects hundreds of thousands of people, which we do not talk about. They angered the masses of municipalities with the battery experiments, they didn’t even celebrate the fact that teachers’ wages increased by 32 percent, then it turned out that not everyone’s and the hundreds of thousands of people working in education didn’t either, but there is the corruption scandal in which two ministries and 54 people are involved. “

They don’t write about it, even though under normal circumstances, due to the involvement of the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Finance, a government should fall into this – pointed out László Kéri. (According to the indictment, an official built a corruption network, arranged for tenders to be won in exchange for millions of sums. The total value of the requested support exceeds HUF 25 billion – ed.).

Zita Mária Petschnig approached the issue from the economic side. Remember, very unfavorable data from last year came to light. These are disgraceful compared to our previous development and also in international comparison. “By 2023, the government’s big plan was that there would be at least a four percent increase. At the end of 2022, it was already reduced to one and a half percent, then last December the Ministry of Finance announced -0.4 percent for the first time, on the other hand it became double, -0.8 percent.” He added that this is not such a big decline, but a prolonged one.

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For four quarters, there was a technical recession, the likes of which Hungary had never seen before. According to the data that has come to light so far, 24 of the 27 EU countries performed better than us, and in the region, in contrast to our decline, the gross domestic product of the Romanians, Bulgarians, Slovaks and Poles increased.”

According to the economist, the average person felt the decrease in real earnings from this, but when it increased somewhat in September, the population did not perceive it either, because it did not appear in the increase in consumption. “Artificially suppressed data appears so that Márton Nagy can appeal to the MNB to lower interest rates at that time. You can’t assume that the German economy collapsed, because it also affected the Poles and the Czechs, who were still able to perform better than us.”

László Kéri pointed out that, according to the measurements, the block of people outside the political believers does not like all that is going on here in the country. They feel the economic failure on their skin, but also the political failure. This arouses the interest of this medium, which is shown by the fact that more than thirty percent are measured by public opinion pollsters about the size of the camp of undecided voters. According to him, in the sea of ​​these matters over-enriched with political interest, we have lost our ability to care about really important things. “This type of rebellion makes sense, it may not be Péter Magyar, but he can be the icebreaker, and then the smaller units will also have the opportunity to move.”

Economist Mária Zita Petschnig added to this that there is a lot of apathy in the country, but according to her, when Péter Magyar came forward with what he had to say, one of his goals was to at least shake up his own camp. He added that economically there is no bright spot at the end of the tunnel in the economy. 60 percent of Hungarian wealth is in the hands of 10 percent of the population, and this is not an accurate figure because we do not know how much is abroad, we do not know how much wealth is in private equity funds, because they can block all kinds of information, he added. “Those who want to hide money put money into Hungarian funds. It is impossible to know who is in it and where the money actually goes. The private equity fund is an invention of Fidesz.”

You can watch the first part of the Klikk TV conversation here, and the second part here.

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