“There was no aggression from Sérgio Conceição”, says witness of the game in Huelva

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“I watched the game from the stands, next to Liliana, Sérgio Conceição’s wife. He was on the floor below, next to the pitch. After the referee called the game over, we were with the boys. Then Sérgio came in on the pitch and addressed the referee, with his son Moisés at his side, in a very calm manner. They calmly entered into dialogue”, begins by saying the father of one of the children on the FC Porto under-9 team, a teammate of José Conceição, the youngest son of the Porto coach.

“It was then that a man from the organization appeared and pushed Moisés. I assume he was the president of the Chamber who later made those statements on the radio. The only thing Moisés did was remove the arm of the person who was pushing him. The police then appeared from inside the tunnel and took us inside”, adds the witness to the incident, who prefers not to reveal his identity.

“What happened inside was that Sérgio Conceição was identified by law enforcement agents. Moisés was pushed several times. It is a lie that there was any aggression. There were no confrontations. Moisés was placed against the wall by the police and they asked him to identification. Afterwards, Sérgio filed a criminal complaint against the man who pushed Moisés. Afterwards, he left the stadium with me calmly. If he had attacked or hit someone, would he leave the stadium calmly?”, he asks, surprised by the statements made by Manuel Barroso, the mayor of Cartaya, who created all the controversy.

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Remember that Barroso accuses Conceição of aggression and even threatening to kill him. The FC Porto coach’s lawyer confirms the criminal complaint filed by the coach, still at the stadium, and also says that the Andalusian “mayor” will be the target of a slanderous complaint, due to statements made to Antena Huelva radio.

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