They will recognize the Palestinian state – Spokesperson

#recognize #Palestinian #state #Spokesperson

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez announced that they will recognize the Palestinian state before the summer.


Published: 08:13 – 02 April 2024 Updated:

Sanchez made statements to journalists on the plane while heading to Jordan, the first stop of his three-day Middle East visit.
According to the news in the Spanish press, Sanchez stated that he believed that important developments would occur in the international community between April and June regarding the conflicts between Israel and Hamas, and stated that attention should be paid to the discussions aimed at recognizing Palestine as a full member at the United Nations in the coming weeks.

Stating that the joint decision taken with the prime ministers of Ireland, Malta and Slovenia regarding the recognition of the Palestinian state will be implemented before the summer if the right conditions are met, Sanchez noted that his country will first take the decision to recognize the Palestinian state in the Council of Ministers and then present it to the Parliament.

Sanchez emphasized that he thinks the only way to guarantee peace and security in the region in the open war between Israel and Hamas is to recognize Palestine.

After Jordan, the Spanish Prime Minister will go to Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

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