This soft drink helps you lose weight thanks to the ancient Chinese

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(Image: Unsplash)

The taste of kombucha isn’t for everyone, but it’s worth biting through the sour fungus. In addition to the previously discovered health benefits, scientists now think it can also help with weight loss.

In 2024, soft drinks belong to… the most pernicious of ultra-processed foods, but there is also one that appeals to health fetishists. We are talking about kombucha, an age-old drink from China that is now also available in the Alblasserdam supermarket.

What is kombucha?

Kombucha is a fermented tea drink (green or black) from China with a characteristic orange color. You make it by throwing a fungus (called a scoby) into a few liters of tea with a lot of sugar. The fungus absorbs the sugar and converts it into acids, vitamins and alcohol (kombucha contains about 0.5% alcohol). As a result, the end product does not contain much sugar. Due to the slightly unusual, sour taste, not everyone likes it, but it is definitely worth trying.

(Image: Pexels)

Health effects of kombucha

The ancient Chinese already called kombucha ‘the immortality drink’, but the ancient Chinese also believed that the ground up teeth of sabre-tooth tigers give you a more potent penis. In this case, however, their age-old wisdom seems to hold water. There are also more and more voices within Western science that sing about the positive influences of the orange drink.

Kombucha is especially good for you if you make it from green tea – which benefits from its health benefits the healthiest drink in the world. Due to the fermentation process, unlike green tea, kombucha also contains bacteria, so-called probiotics, which have a positive effect on your intestinal flora. There are also negative effects of fermentation. Too many glasses of the acidic drink will dissolve your tooth enamel and cause acid reflux. However, we all already knew this. However, scientists recently found another effect that could make a whole different group of people enthusiastic.

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Lose weight with soft drinks thanks to the Chinese

Out an investigation from the University of North Carolina shows that kombucha stimulates the production of a protein that burns fat. Normally, a period of fasting leads to the production of this protein, so that the body can obtain energy from fat reserves. However, the bacteria in kombucha also ensure this. Burning fat without having to go hungry – or fasting without fasting.

What exactly did the scientists do? They gave two groups of worms exactly the same food, but one group was also given some kombucha to drink. This group of worms burned more fat than the others. Now the worm C. Elegans has a completely different fat storage than humans, but scientists still believe that it should also work for us. Give us a drink like that!

Burn fat and lose weight the old-fashioned way

If you don’t want to rely solely on worm research, we also have an article with old-fashioned but very effective methods burn fat. It does take a little more effort than lying on the couch and drinking a soda.

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