Tricks to increase dopamine naturally and be happier

#Tricks #increase #dopamine #naturally #happier

In our desire to be happier or at least touch that universal feeling that we all seek, happiness, everyone, more or less, tries to find their own tools to achieve it. By doing so, one of the effects that explain that pleasant feeling of well-being is the increased dopamine production, a substance whose role as a mood regulator is decisive.

Now, how does this neurotransmitter on which pleasure and motivation depend in the human experience work? From the point of view of neuroscience, dopamine acts as chemical messenger in the braintransmitting signals between nerve cells and fulfilling a variety of brain functions ranging from the regulation of emotions to the coordination of movement.

Therefore, if dopamine is so important for maintaining a positive attitude in life, it would be interesting to find out. How can we increase the production of this neurotransmitter in a natural way.

Diet and exercise

It is clear then that finding a way for our body to secrete more dopamine is the previous step to recover, maintain and strengthen emotional balance. Below, we show some of the simplest, most direct and most effective ways to achieve this, according to experts:

  • Practice physical exercise. Without a doubt, it is the first of the tools that we can resort to. Furthermore, any type of sporting activity is valid, both aerobic and strength. Haven’t you noticed how energized you feel after an intense training session? How do you “take on the world” after a class of spinning or a weights session? The scientific explanation behind that pleasant sensation is dopamine release that is produced in the brain when we exercise. This chemical “shot” contributes to the pleasant feeling of well-being that invades us.
  • To eat a balanced diet. Along with physical activity, eating an adequate diet is key to boosting dopamine production. Now, what does this type of diet include? First of all, you must start with a complete and balanced diet, a diet suitable for any adult and healthy person, that is, one that includes fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as fish and meat. In short, foods that provide all the nutrients that the body needs for its proper functioning. In this way, we take care of physical and mental health.
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  • Now, there are also certain foods that increase dopamine levels. Among them, experts highlight the bananas, avocados, eggs, nuts and seeds. These foods are excellent sources of tyrosine and other nutrients that can contribute to optimal dopamine levels.

Meditation and mindfulness

In addition to care related to the body, such as diet and physical exercise, those that deal with mental health. In this sense, there are many options available to us to learn to manage our emotions, in short, to take care of our mind.

Both meditation and mindfulness, or any other technique based on mindfulness is proven to have a positive effect on dopamine levels, and therefore, to reduce stress.

A growing body of research suggests that regular practice of these types of techniques can help change the structure and function of the brain, including the regulation of neurotransmitters such as dopamine. This translates, among other things, into a greater sense of well-being. An effect that not only occurs immediately (just after a meditation or mindfulness session), a permanent improvement in our mood is also possible if practiced continuously.

On the other hand, it has been shown that create accessible goals and experiencing the achievement of these goals can promote the secretion of dopamine in the brain. Something that, as we have seen, is key to promoting motivation and preventing it from declining.

What happens to me when dopamine increases?

So far, we have seen what we can do to increase dopamine levels and thus increase emotional well-being. Specifically, this neurotransmitter participates in three main areas:

  • Motivation and reward.
  • Pleasure.
  • The state of mind.
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Happiness is closely related to these two concepts, motivation and reward. When We experience situations that we like, Whether it’s eating something we love, or if our boss evaluates the latest report we made, our brain responds by increasing the production of dopamine. As a consequence, what we do is create a cause-and-effect relationship between the food we like and pleasure, or between the praise from our boss and satisfaction, which in turn encourages us to want to repeat the experience to feel the same again. same.

On the other hand, it has been shown that low levels of dopamine They affect our mood, promoting anxiety and depression. In the same way that an adequate amount of this neurotransmitter contributes to our emotional balance.

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