Vegetable burgers in the sights of the WHO: the research has alarming results, threatening the health of the little ones

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Vegetable burgers, the WHO warning. (Depositphotos)

Earthquake in the world of vegetable meat substitutes, with vegetable burgers ending up in the sights of the World Health Organization.

Over the last twenty years, the numbers of people adopting eating habits based on a vegetarian or vegan diet have grown exponentially.

For those who don’t know, the fundamental difference is that the vegan diet, compared to vegetarian diet, it also excludes all those products that come from animals and consequently from farming, such as eggs and milk.

Recently, the press has repeatedly turned the spotlight on the issue, denouncing the terrible conditions in which animals are forced to live one’s existence. It is therefore not just a problem linked to the killing of animals for the food trade, but a broader issue of an ethical nature, which concerns all farms.

Another issue that has created heated debates concerns the excessive consumption of meat. The problem concerns both i health risks, since there is now scientific evidence that demonstrates the relationship with a greater risk of developing cardiovascular disease, and the environmental issue. Here too, several studies demonstrate how excessive consumption of animal products also produces greenhouse gas emissions that are 10 to 50 times higher than those of plant products.

How veggie burgers are made

The spread of new eating habits has attracted the attention of multinationals, resulting in a whole series of vegetarian and vegan alternatives. Between these we find the veggie burgerswhich are products made from plant-based ingredients that attempt to replicate the taste, texture and appearance of traditional meat-based burgers.

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There are several variations of veggie burgers, but they are generally made combining a plant-based protein base with binding and flavoring ingredients. One of the most common protein bases for veggie burgers is seitan, a wheat gluten-based substance that provides a meaty texture. Other protein options include tofu, tempeh, beans, lentils or peas. But are they really good?

Vegetable burgers and advertising to children. (Depositphotos)

The WHO and veggie burgers prohibited for children

The British Journal of Nutrition published a field analysis conducted onWorld Health Organization which involved researchers from the universities of Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Lisbon and London. The aim of the survey is to provide a general framework to help policy makers make wise choices on the topic.

The results showed that i Veggie burgers actually contain a lot of vegetal proteinsfiber and essential minerals, however was also detected a large amount of salt, fat – even saturated – and carbohydrates. Then there would also be a question related to additives, which could impair protein metabolism and have other yet unknown side effects. Even if only 10% of the sample examined contains too much fat and 20% too much salt, the WHO considers the possibility of banning advertising aimed at children as they are considered ultra-processed.

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