Velvet – Check-out – Scientists have predicted: this is when humanity will die

#Velvet #Checkout #Scientists #predicted #humanity #die

Scientists have formulated their most accurate prediction so far about when and why human life on Earth is expected to end. Global warming will play a huge role in our extinction.

Experts have been warning us for years that global warming will become irreversible at some point, and this will cost humanity its life. Most people just waved at their words, until the process finally became irreversible. Over time, warming will make the global food supply impossible, sea levels will rise, and different parts of the planet will slowly become unlivable one by one due to the hot weather. The only question is when all this will happen.

This question was recently answered by experts from the University of Bristol, who used a supercomputer to model the climate conditions of the distant future, so they were able to determine when the history of mankind might come to an end.

According to their calculations, the Earth will become an extremely hot, dry and largely uninhabitable supercontinent, with all the landmasses melting into one huge piece of land. Volcanic eruptions will be much more frequent on this supercontinent, which will increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and this will further warm the planet. The Sun will also become hotter and brighter, heating the Earth’s surface much more than it does now. As a result of everything, an average temperature of 40-50 degrees Celsius is formed on the planet.

“In this environment, we would lack food and water sources, and too high average temperatures, even higher daily maximums and high humidity would seal our fate. Humans – along with many other species – would become extinct, as they would be unable to release this heat with sweat and thus cool their own bodies,” pointed out Dr. Alexander Farnsworth, senior researcher at the University of Bristol.

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The Sun will burn hotter and hotter in the sky. (Photo: sutiporn somnam / Getty Images Hungary)

The team of experts stated that even if humanity stopped using fossil fuels immediately, it would not stop the extinction event either. So even if we somehow managed to survive until then, it would definitely be the end for us at that point.

The only hope for us is that, according to the supercomputer’s predictions, our total extinction is expected in 250 million years.

Regardless, Dr. Eunice Lo, from the University of Bristol’s Climate Change and Health Research Group and co-author of the study, emphasized the importance of not taking the current climate crisis lightly, as it is a consequence of human emissions of greenhouse gases.

“Although our planet is only expected to become completely uninhabitable in 250 million years, we are already experiencing extreme temperature fluctuations that are harmful to human health. That is why it is crucial that we reach net zero emissions as soon as possible,” the doctor pointed out.


(Cover image: Apocalypse. Illustration: Getty Images)

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