Volodymyr Zelenskiy revealed his peace plan in Saudi Arabia

#Volodymyr #Zelenskiy #revealed #peace #plan #Saudi #Arabia

The Ukrainian president discussed the peace plan of the Kyiv leadership and the chances of the return of Ukrainian prisoners of war and deported civilians in Riyadh on Tuesday with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. This was reported by Zelensky himself on his Telegram channel after an unexpected visit to the Arab kingdom.

According to a report by the Saudi state news agency, during the talks, Mohammed bin Salman reaffirmed his country’s determination and support for all international efforts aimed at ending the Ukraine-Russia war and establishing peace, as well as contributing to alleviating the humanitarian disaster caused by the war.

So far, representatives of Ukraine have held bilateral or multilateral talks in dozens of countries on Zelensky’s peace plan, which

  • in addition to the withdrawal of Russian troops
  • would restore Ukraine to its 1991 borders, or
  • would hold Russia accountable for its violations.

Kyiv plans to hold a peace summit in Switzerland in the spring.

“We are now very close to the first peace summit and we count on further active support from Saudi Arabia,” Zelensky wrote in his post.

Riyadh has previously assumed the role of mediator between Ukraine and Russia in the matter of prisoner exchange. The head of state of Ukraine wrote: he is sure that his meeting on Tuesday will be effective in this regard as well.

One of the preparatory meetings for the planned peace summit was held last August in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

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