we usually have them in our house


Happiness: “State of pleasant spiritual and physical satisfaction.” This is the first meaning that we find in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy when we look for the definition of this term. Always being happy as a way of life is something that many people pursue but that is presented as something almost impossible, since there must be room for many other emotions and feelings.

However, happiness can be found in many moments of life of a person depending on different factors such as social, health, economic and a long etcetera. Despite this, there would be some other elements that would influence how happy we are and that we may not be realizing or aware of.

It’s about food because yes, what you eat significantly influences your happiness. We are not referring to that moment of joy when you eat a chocolate cake that you have been thinking about all week, which also has its importance, but to what certain foods generate in our hormonal system.

That is why maintaining a balanced diet becomes even more important when it comes to producing the hormones that directly influence our state of mind, more specifically our happiness. As science explains, there are five happiness hormones: serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin, endorphins and melatonin.

Hormones that influence happiness

With them, the body regulates our mood, being the endorphins what we release when we feel pain or stress, reducing this and generating a feeling of euphoria; the serotonin, for its part, is a neurotransmitter of happiness and calm. For its part, the oxytocin It is the hormone of love and trust, dopamine that of pleasure and reward, while the melatonin It is the neurotransmitter of sleep.

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To ensure that the adequate level of all of them is produced, in addition to other factors, it is important to take into account how we eat. Thus, from National Geographic they indicate a series of foods that help activate all the aforementioned hormones, which help us feel happier. We tell you below what foods they are:

  • Chocolate: It is rich in phenylethylamine, a substance that helps release dopamine and tryptophan, which, in turn, stimulates the production of serotonin. In addition to this, it has flavonoids, which are antioxidants that protect brain cells from oxidative stress, improving blood flow to the brain.

  • Nuts: If we have to highlight some in particular, these would be walnuts, rich in omega-3, pistachios, which have phytosterols, a substance that reduces cortisol, or almonds, rich in magnesium. In addition, all of them provide proteins, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals that help the brain produce these and other hormones.

  • Bananas: This fruit provides the amino acid that helps produce serotonin, tryptophan. It also has potassium, a blood pressure regulator, and vitamin B6, a compound that influences the generation of dopamine and norepinephrine, regulating motivation and mood.

  • Yoghurt: Being rich in probiotics, it contributes to good intestinal health, which ends up influencing our physical and mental health. These probiotics would be beneficial in reducing anxiety and relieving symptoms of depression, according to several studies.

  • Spinach: Although its high iron content is popularly known, which prevents anemia and, therefore, prevents fatigue, this food provides much more. In hormonal terms, spinach is rich in folic acid, a vitamin that is involved in the production of neurotransmitters such as sopamin, serotonin and endorphins.

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As we have indicated previously, a varied and balanced diet is the key to good physical and mental health. That is why, although these foods considerably help us feel happier and in a better mood, It doesn’t mean we have to abuse it.s nor do we necessarily include them in all meals, but rather we take them into account to include them with a reasonable frequency in our diet.

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