We will further expand the ‘Istanbul Alliance’

#expand #Istanbul #Alliance

Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality President Ekrem İmamoğlu received his certificate of election: We will further expand the ‘Istanbul Alliance’

İmamoğlu said:

“We are aware of the responsibility we have. The certificate given to me is of great importance. May God not embarrass us. Istanbul is a city where the emotions of all humanity are nourished. Our greatest desire is to provide a very qualified 5 years with all its elements of life. We want to increase the methods of benefiting from the talented people of the whole city.

There are many people who contributed. I would like to thank everyone one by one. I would like to thank more than 90 thousand employees. Knowing how difficult this journey is, I would like to thank my family from the bottom of my heart, who stood by us despite all the pressures and who are our biggest supporters. “I hope Türkiye will be a more loving, more peaceful country.”


İmamoğlu then addressed the crowd gathered for the celebration:

“I would like to thank everyone who used their democratic choices. I promise to work hard to make the children of this city happy by using the people’s money for the people. People will feel the brotherhood in Istanbul’s meeting places and parks and enjoy this city. In the next 5 years, I will make Istanbul an example to the world.” We will turn it into a city.


I hope that the common sense demonstrated by the voters will also be a message to the government in Ankara and the President. I would like to remind you that sitting at the same table is a national attitude. We will all experience a respectful period based on the cooperation of the government and the municipality. This would be a big win. I hope they will realize that being stubborn with citizens does not benefit them either. “We once again promise more metro, infrastructure investments, more green, culture and arts structures and social assistance.”


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Stating that a great alliance of conscience has been established, far beyond political parties, and that this alliance includes people from all political views, Ekrem İmamoğlu said, “The Istanbul alliance has turned into a great meeting, we will grow it even further. This alliance is good for our country, too.”


Reacting to the usurpation of will in Van, İmamoğlu continued his speech as follows:

“Some double-standard decisions are being made. What is happening in some districts, in Van, is a complete oddity. I follow it sensitively and meticulously. This brother of yours will never give up on being on the side of right and justice in this matter. Remember that the one who remains silent against injustice becomes a mute devil. When it is done to me, it is injustice.” “Silence does not suit this country when it is done to someone else. No one should forget that I will be a soldier in the fight against injustice until the end. I have been elected and my work is not over, my work is just beginning.”


İmamoğlu, who also brought up the fact that Ali Bingöl, who was elected as the Mayor of Tuzla despite the clear difference, has not yet been given a certificate of certificate, said, “Give my friend a certificate of certificate immediately.”

Announcing that he will give broader messages tomorrow at 10.30 in Saraçhane, İmamoğlu concluded his speech by saying, “We will follow all these injustices wherever they occur in Turkey and we will continue to be the defender of justice.”

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İmamoğlu, who also published a video on his social media account, said, “This success belongs to all of us.”

Ekrem İmamoğlu was once again elected as the President of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, receiving 51 percent of the votes in the elections held on March 31 and leaving AKP’s candidate Murat Kurum with a difference of more than 1 million votes.

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