what are the symptoms, dangers and treatments?

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From the age of 60, the risks of suffering from sleep apnea are greater. Risk factors, symptoms, dangers and treatments, we tell you everything about this disorder in seniors.

As we age, our sleep tends to change. But not always for the better. From the age of sixty, it is indeed not uncommon for people to suffer more from sleep disorders such as insomnia, nocturnal awakenings but also sleep apnea. According to the Alliance Sleep Apnea association, this syndrome is characterized by an intermittent, total or partial, closure of the airways leading to frequent episodes of apnea and hypopnea.

While it can affect the entire population, regardless of age, sleep apnea is more common among seniors. According to several studies, 20 to 48% of individuals over 60 years old are affected by this disorder. However, it is still underdiagnosed in the elderly. For what ? Because the clinical signs, which are rather atypical in this segment of the population, are little known, but also because some doctors think that the most common treatment (continuous positive airway pressure) is too heavy and restrictive for them.

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What are the risk factors for sleep apnea in seniors?

Among seniors, the first risk factor is obviously their age : from the age of 65, the frequency of sleep apnea doubles. THE sex also plays a role in the possible development of this disorder: men are 2 to 3 times more affected than women.

We also find the overweight and theobesity At the top of the list of triggers: excess fat in the neck can lead to obstruction of the airways. But the passage of air can also be limited due to certain malformations in the respiratory tract, tonsils, palate or jaw.

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Certain pathologies such asasthma where the diabetes type 2 increase the risk of suffering from sleep apnea. One of the risk factors can also be the genetic : people who have people with this syndrome in their family are more likely to develop it themselves.

Finally, the consumption of certain drugs or products harmful to health also increases the risk of developing sleep apnea. L’alcohol can, for example, cause relaxation of the throat muscles, just like the sleeping tablets and the anxiolytics. The tobaccofor its part, can promote inflammation of the respiratory tract.

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What are the symptoms and dangers of sleep apnea in people over 60?

As mentioned above, sleep apnea is still difficult to diagnose in the elderly. It can therefore be useful to know the symptoms and signs that should alert you. Some are the same as for the rest of the population, namely the somnolence excessive and uncontrolled during the day, headache in the morning, the fatigue physical, the snoringTHE breathing pauses during sleep, the sensations ofnocturnal chokingTHE sudden awakeningsthe transpirationthe grinding of teeth and the mood disorders.

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Then, from the age of sixty, certain specific symptoms are added to the list: cognitive dysfunction (concentration problems, attention problems and memory problems), depressionTHE balance problemsl’insomnia and the confusion nocturne.

All of these events can have serious consequences on the health of seniors. For example, chronic fatigue can lead to an increased risk of chutes ordomestic accidents. The increased heart rate caused by sleep apnea also promotes cardiovascular illnessesl’high blood pressurestrokes (AVC) and the heart attack. Cognitive decline, for its part, can lead to neurocognitive disorders and more rapid progression of the disease. Alzheimer’s disease.

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How to treat sleep apnea in old age?

When diagnosed, sleep apnea can be treated. Depending on the number of apneas per hour of sleep, the specific symptoms and the physical and physiological consequences specific to each person, several solutions exist.

  • The nasal mask and continuous positive pressure ventilation (CPAP)

The most common treatment for sleep apnea is pression positive continue of the respiratory tract. It consists of wearing a masque nasal during the night which exerts air pressure and allows smooth breathing. Mask itself connected to a device sending pressurized air to keep the airways clear during sleep. A restrictive method, some health professionals nevertheless avoid recommending it to elderly people.

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  • Mandibular advancement orthoses

This treatment consists of using adjustable bars connecting two gutters whose role is to facilitate the passage of air through the pharynx. Although it is a good alternative to the continuous positive airway pressure nasal mask, it is not suitable for seniors who no longer have many teeth or who suffer from jaw pain.

  • The surgical operation

To treat sleep apnea, intervention chirurgicale can also be considered. However, we must be careful with the elderly: general anesthesia is less well tolerated and complications linked to surgery are more frequent. From operations Possible options include nasal reconstruction, somnoplasty, laser-assisted uvulo-palato-plasty, uvulo-palato-pharyngoplasty, advancement of the genioglossus muscle and hyoid suspension. For the most serious cases, maxillomandibular advancement or tracheotomy may be considered.

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Rights of women and children, violence, feminism, gender, discrimination, parenting, education, psychology, health, couple, sexuality, social networks…. Joséphine loves deciphering all the social issues that drive our world…

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