What lack of sleep does to our body

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Nutrition, physical activity and sleep: everything is linked. And when the latter is disrupted, the consequences can be serious.

«My body spoke to me, and repeatedly, but I didn’t listen to it.” regrets Pascale, 49 years old, in a testimony for the Acting for the hearts of women foundation. Due to a lack of a healthy lifestyle, she had gained a lot of weight and ended up in the emergency room. for a cerebrovascular accident (CVA). Since then, she has been monitored for her hypertension problems. But she is also hooked up to a ventilator every night after she was diagnosed sleep apnea. In reality, nutrition, physical activity and sleep are all linked! And it is decisive for our health.

“As soon as we move away from seven hours of sleep, more or less, epidemiological studies point to a higher risk of high blood pressure, diabetes and being overweight,” indicates Professor Isabelle Arnulf, head of the sleep pathologies department at the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital (AP-HP). This is also the finding of a Franco-British study carried out among some…

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