When the Sun roars | Radio-Canada.ca

#Sun #roars #RadioCanada.ca

In 2024, the Sun is active

Bob Leamon is an expert on the mood of the Sun at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. I am interested in magnetic fields.

The solar cycle is punctuated by an event: magnetic north and south swap.

The reversal of the magnetic poles is the key action, and this is what causes the change in solar activity. It’s almost like a fever or illness; the solar flares are the symptoms, and the magnetic field is the virus.

We are currently in this ramp-up period, where the likelihood of eruptions occurring is increasing. This will happen towards the end of this year, says Bob Leamon.

On February 9, 2024, NASA observed a flare on the side of the Sun. Photo: NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio

According to Bob Leamon’s modeling, this cycle is likely to be more active than the previous ones. I expect to see more fireworks.

Robyn Fiori confirms that the cycle we are in seems more active than the previous ones. The impact on infrastructure will therefore be greater, she specifies.

In February, the space meteorologist observed several intense solar flares. For a week we had breakouts almost every day. We were lucky, because they came from behind the Sun, so they were not directed towards Earth.

Kathryn McWilliams, a researcher at the University of Saskatchewan, is trying to predict the northern lights. Photo: Radio-Canada / Camille Vernet

At the University of Saskatchewan, Kathryn McWilliams’ team also noticed these disruptions. On February 9, a storm blocked all antenna signals.

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It severely disrupted radio communications. This type of event is very important because in northern Canada people are far away from each other. So they rely a lot on radio communications, explains Kathryn McWilliams.

Understanding the risks and adapting our systems helps ensure the protection of our communications systems, she adds. A major challenge.

When we try to understand how auroras are created, our laboratory is the size of the solar system. No group or country can therefore understand the entire process alone, argues Kathryn McWilliams.

There are still many mysteries to be revealed in order to be able to predict the moods of this star essential to life on Earth.

Day after day, eyes and ears glued to the sky, these scientists continue this immense quest.

The images of the Sun were taken by NASA.

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