World Malaria Day 2024 – The Initiative | The Initiative

#World #Malaria #Day #Initiative #Initiative

Over the past twenty years, progress in the fight against malaria has significantly reduced its mortality rate. Today, a resurgence of the disease is observed, the challenges to be taken up to contain it are numerous and protean. More than 600,000 deaths are attributable to malaria each year. In 2022, the World Health Organization (WHO) recorded more than 249 million cases, 95% of which were in sub-Saharan Africa. Women and children under five are the most vulnerable to this disease, caused by a parasite transmitted by certain mosquitoes. Despite years of sustained efforts, malaria is on the rise. Its eradication is slowed by several factors: growing resistance to insecticides and antimalarials, climate change, the appearance of new species of mosquitoes, etc. The Initiative is mobilizing to achieve the objectives of the global strategy to combat malaria: reducing at least 90% malaria mortality by 2030 compared to 2015.

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