Wow, that’s serious! China Zoo Colors Dogs to Look Like Pandas

#Wow #China #Zoo #Colors #Dogs #Pandas


Recently, a zoo in China caught coloring a dog to look like it panda. This is because the zoo does not have any pandas to show to visitors.

The fake panda, introduced on May 1 at the Taizhou Zoo in Jiangsu Province, is actually a Chow Chow dog. Chow Chow is a large hairy breed from Northern China, Jam Press report.

The zoo reportedly trimmed the dogs’ fur, then dyed their faces black. The fake panda will be displayed to visitors every day from 08.00-17.00.



When asked why the zoo made the dogs into panda cosplay, a representative tried to explain.

“There are no pandas in the zoo and as a result we wanted to do this,” he replied.

Of course, many visitors accuse the zoo of cruelty to animals. However, zoo officials insist that what they did was not harmful to the animals.

“People also dye their hair. Natural dyes can be used on dogs if their hair is long,” said a spokesperson.

This case also attracted comments from netizen. Some feel that the fake panda looks cute and adorable.

“They are very small to run that fast! I think it’s beautiful,” said the netter.

“I think they’re cute,” exclaimed another.

“That’s an extreme way to take care of your dog while you’re at work haha,” joked the netizen. So quoting The Post, Sunday (12/5/2024).

Watch the video “Panda Fu Bao who is now returning to his ancestral land in China”
[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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